[Request!] Another Irons? (Part 3) {Joker}

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Author's Note: I jacked one of my favorite scenes from Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare because it will fit perfectly with what this chapter needs! Also, I positively adore Captain Price and Gaz! Gaz's voice is fucking delicious! <3 And, I'm sorry that this took so long. -_-

"Captain Gideon! The KVA just put out a warning that if Atlas forces don't retreat within an hour then they will start executing hostages on live TV!" Joker runs into the room, a little out of breath from having run down to the meeting room from his own room.

"There's nothing that we can do about that right now. In less than three hours code-name Irons will be executed..."

"You means Irons daughter boss?" Gideon nods once as he looks down at the map of the location in front of him. Joker takes a deep breath.

"Yeah. Miss (Name) Irons... Iron's only other child besides Will." Gideon scratches at his bear before leaning forward and resting the palm of his hands on the wooden table top as he stares intently at the map before him. Now they just need to find a way into the damn compound! Joker carefully looks over the map before point at a building in the center.

"Why don't we grapple down from the tower, get some air support and snipers, and then slowly make out way across the compound from her? It's the quickest way and it has the most cover for us." Gideon eyes the area where Joker's plan will take place before slowly nodding his head.

"I agree. Alright boys, get your shit together! (Name)'s in hell right now. We're gonna walk her out... We take care of our friends. Let's move."

It wasn't long before they made it to their drop zone. Gideon, Joker, and Mitchell jump out of the helicopter before Gideon signals for them to fly off. They abide immediately, leaving the three men in a marsh a hundred cliques from you're being held captive.

"Alright boys, we do this quick and clean as well as silent." The other men nod in understanding before following close behind their Captain. After a few seconds Gideon throws his fist in the air to signal them to stop. Both men do so instantly while Mitchell crouches down and carefully scans his surroundings.

"We've got one on the dock. Take him out Mitchell." With one strong nod, Mitchell swiftly raises his sniper rifle and takes aim.

"One Mississippi... Two Mississippi... Three Mississippi..." Mitchel silently counts to three while he takes aim before firing. He shot the man right between the eyes and he drops to the ground with a soft thud. All three suck in a breath and hold it to see if anyone else had heard him drop. When no one shows up, Gideon motions for them to continue. They make their way silently through the small outpost before taking out two more enemy soldiers. They climb the steps to a house. Gideon orders them to turn on night vision. Check point one has been reached. All men let out another little breath before making their way through the abandoned home. It leads to the yard where a hidden path is hiding. Quickly, all three men make their way silently up the path to where they will cover their fellow soldiers invading the compound. Mitchell kneels behind a small white fence before setting his sniper rifle on the fence for balance. He begins to kelp take out the men that are trying to kill his fellow team mates. He doesn't keep track. The only thing that he can think about is that you are somewhere in this hell hole and who knows what they've been doing to you! Mitchell is about to sniper another guy when suddenly Joker yells out,

"FUCK! There's a helicopter!" Gideon lets out a cure in response.

"You didn't say there would be helicopters Boss!" Joker states as he continues to shoot at people.

"I never said there wouldn't be either. Now, let's go! We can cut through this house to give them better cover!" Both men sprint after Gideon through a rundown house. They exit the house to see the tower ahead of them. As they make their way towards it the helicopter drops off men before flying away.

"Shit." Gideon growls out angrily. He begins shooting at the enemy soldiers trying to surround them. Mitchell continues to snipe them while Joker throws a grenade. It was hard fought but eventually the enemy soldiers lie dead. Their bodies scattered across the small field, Mitchell frowns. They run up to the tower and are met with the informant that had given them the location of (Name). Mitchell, unamused by all the fighting, grabs him and threatens to throw him over the edge of the tower.

"WHERE IS SHE!? Where is the informant?" The man coughs before managing to speak out the words,

"The house! The house on the other side of the village." The three Atlas soldiers attach their grapples to the easiest spots they can find. Gideon jumps down first, followed by Joker, then Mitchell. Mitchell feels his adrenaline begin kicking in. Soon, he would be able to see you again. He wonders if you know about Will? Would your father have told you? The three of them fight off enemies alongside the rest of the men before Gideon growls.

"Bloody hell let's move! She may still be alive!" They run up the hill towards the house that the informant had been telling them about. "Mitchell! Go around back and cut the power. Everyone else, get ready!" Joker follows Gideon to the door they will be sneaking in from while Mitchell runs around the back to cut the power. As soon as the power goes out Gideon orders Joker to put on his night vision. He turns it on without a word. Gideon opens the door slowly and quietly before heading in. Joker and Gideon take out three people before heading up the stairs to where they should find you. The three men, Mitchell now with them again, head into the room where you're held at. The hooting of owls can be heard in the background. Joker trots up to you before shining a light in your eyes, blinding you. You swing at him, catching him off guard, before swiping his legs out from under him. You give him a strong kick to the side which leaves him breathless. Mitchell fights back a laugh.

"(Nickname)." You stop and look in his direction. No one else has ever called you that besides Will and Mitchell.

"M-Mitchell?" You take a step towards him as the early morning light fills the room. You run ot him and hug him tightly as you sob. Mitchell strokes your (color) hair in a calming manor before he pulls away.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes... and I can still fight. Thank you for getting me out of here. Oh, and sorry about him. I thought that he was KVA." Joker looks up at you from the floor with a glare that make you give him an innocent look.

"Bitch." He grinds out as he holds his manhood. You had sneaked a cheap shot on the way down. You chuckle nervously before Gideon leads all of you outside to where you will be getting picked up from.

"Big Bird this is Bravo Six. We have the package. Meet us at LZ one. Over."

"Bravo Six this is Big Bird. We're on our way. Out." You hear the sound of the chopper and can't help but to get excited. You climb onto the helicopter first before taking a seat next to Captain Gideon.


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