How's it feel to want? {David Mason}

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"Hey, you want that cheeseburger now?" David asks you as you walk back into the kitchen from the front. You're a hostess at the local casino for the dining room and buffet both. You set your hands on the metal ledge where the food sits under heaters, waiting for the waitresses to come and take them to their tables. You flash a cheesing grin, nodding at David.

"Yes please!" You chirp, grinning at him. He leans on the other side himself, flashing a cocky grin.

"How's it feel to want?" He asks you with a smirk. You stick out your tongue out at his words before winking.

"It feels good! Because I know you'll give it to me." You chirp out, laughing loudly as your close friend Harper bursts out laughing. David's eyes widen, and he turns beat red. He goes about trying to make your burger before stopping and putting a hand on his hip and wiping his face.

"I'm so flustered I forgot how to make a burger." He says out loud, laughing as he lifts both hands, shaking his head. He laughs again before taking a deep breath and finding the hamburger patties. While he's throwing your burger on the grill, Harper high-fives you.

"That was hilarious! His face is beat red!" He laughs loudly. You just grin innocently at Harper and David both. You wait patiently for your burger before thanking the guys happily and going downstairs to the women's locker room where you eat silently in the coolness of the basement. You Snapchat your best friend, telling her of what had just happened. She laughs and accuses you of having a crush on David. You roll your eyes, catching up with her after that before having to let her go and go back upstairs.

"That burger was really good, David. Thank you." You tell him as you walk past, accidentally spilling water from your glass as you're trying to take a drink. "I think I have a hole in my lip!" You laugh loudly. David laughs, smirking.

"And here I thought you were just happy to see me!" He says with a pout before laughing again. You laugh.

"Just a little." You wink at him, making him look at the ceiling with his hands on his hips, shaking his head again. You just giggle. As you chat with him, moving next to the fire extinguisher and messing the black nozzle out of boredom. David looks at you and your swinging it around, distracted and lost in thought. You see him out of the corner of your eye watching you so you look over at him.

"You're getting me all excited over here!" He says, bending over the fryer slightly to drop some wings. You grin at him cheekily.

"I'm okay with that." You say honestly, drinking some water as he turns red again and turns away from you with a shake of his head. You giggle, going back out front for the rest of the night. You were bored. The night had slowed way down and your Supervisor ended up letting you and your best friend leave early because she wasn't going to 'hunt you down' if you were not going to stay out front. You roll your eyes, signing out on the sheet before going downstairs after saying good night to the guys.

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