Seriously? {David "Hesh" Walker}

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"David!" You yell, hands on your hips as you stare at the young man with a buzz cut, his beard chops growing in from not being shaved in a long while. Hesh freezes in place, earning a snicker from his father as he turns with doe eyes.

"Seriously?" You ask, crossing your arms as you state at him, not able to hide the hurt that sneaks into your gaze before you push down your shades back over your eyes, saluting Elias, and then striding out of the room, gun in hand as you go to make your rounds. Hesh opens his mouth to say something but you're already gone. His father claps him on the back as Logan silently follows after you, not.wanting to hear his father ramble on about how to treat women properly and so forth... If anything, David was the only one that needed to hear anything of the sort. He was always kind of stupid to your intentions so when he promised you that he'd come homey and marry you, fucked you, and then left you: You had become a bit sore on the subject of David 'Hesh' Walker. You glance over your shoulder to see Logan walking up, his own shades on: face hidden from view with a black mask. You nod a little your own mask covering your face. There were no words spoken as the two of you silently walk the perimeter of the makeshift headquarters.

"Logan! (Name)!" Both of you glance at each other before falling in stride towards Elias. Logan gives you a certain look and you cracked a smile behind your mask.

"He totally got scolded." You mutter as you walk into the room again to see Hesh rubbing the back of his head with a string of soft curses as he narrows his eyes at you slightly. You just shrug at home, hands resting on your gun as you state at Elias.

"Boss? You called?" Your run a hand through your short (color) hair as you try to ignore Hesh's gaze on you. He scans your body up and down, memorizing where your uniform hugs the tightest. Elias smacks him upside the head again which males him curse more.

"Stop staring you foolish boy." His voice holds a hunt of amusement in it yet.

"Sorry, Dad..." Hesh mutters quietly. Perking up as his father tells them that they'll be going to no man's land.

"And Lieutenant (Last Name) will be going with you as well." All three look at one another before you and Hesh say at the same time:

"Seriously? I have to go with him?!" Your voice is annoyed as you glare at Hesh.

"Seriously? I have to go with her?!" His j's no better as he glares back at you.

"ENOUGH! You're both soldiers. Start acting like it!" Elias shouts, making you both shut your mouths as you obey him.

"Yes Sir. Sorry Sorry." You mutter quietly..

"Sorry, Dad..." Hesh mutters back, still glaring at you as you ignore him.

Author's Note: I know this is short but for some reason I just kinda ran with this idea... Might make it into a longer story with parts. Y'know what I'm sayin'? Haha.

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