[Request!] Another Irons? (Part 1) {Joker}

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This is for @circuit07536 and she requested a story where she is paired with Joker! Her request was this: "Can I have a request with Joker? Can my plot be I'm Irons troublesome daughter and one of the missions turn out to retrieve me from a foreign country and I resist and fight the entire way and also end up beating Joker in combat when he tried to capture me. Then eventually when they finally get me back at the base, Joker can debate whether to ask me out for a date and Gideon orders him to too give him a push. I end up rejecting him and he then decides he'll pester me forever until I say yes. That's it, thanks! Also do you take more than one request from a person?" <<<<< YES! Please feel free to request more then one story at a time as long as they are a reasonable length in your mind for a Fanfiction One-Shot!

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Gideon, Mitchell, and Joker have just gotten home (or back to base) from Nigeria, where they were tasked with the mission of helping Captain Ajani try and rescue the hostages and the Nigerian Prime Minister from Hades and the KVA. The mission was successful. Mitchell saved Abidoyo, the hostages, and the technician in the van. Now, Mitchell, Gideon, and Joker are just sitting around enjoying  a beer and cracking jokes. Well, that is until Irons comes in, telling them they did a good job and celebrates with them by having a few shots of whiskey. He holds his hands out in front of him as he spins the gold band on his ring finger around slowly. He starts speaking somberly.

"Gentleman. I have another mission for you... This mission is of the utmost importance to me. I need everyone on the same page for this one. And everything," Irons jumps his eyes to Mitchell who stares blankly back at him as his mechanical arm is resting on his leg, his good arm behind him as he stretches. "And I mean everything, working. So before the mission Mitchell will get his arm triple checked for all I care as long as it gets thoroughly checked." Irons sends a glare at the ceiling before taking a breath. He would make sure that those who deal with that type of stuff will make sure everything is working good. Gideon eyes his boss curiously at his tilts his head at an odd angle.

"Sir, what's the mission? Are we going after some bio weapon? Terrorists? Why are you bringing all of this up now? My men and I know what we need to do..." Irons gives a look to Gideon who shuts his mouth immediately and Mitchell tires to hide a smirk which Gideon elbows him in the ribs for. Mitchell coughs a bit but keeps his composure otherwise.

"It's a rescue mission." All three men snap their attention to their boss as they lean forward in their chairs. Joker speaks first.

"Rescue mission? Who are we going after?" Irons throws him an unreadable look.

"You're not going after anyone. Your rescuing my daughter." Mitchell chokes on his new shot of whiskey, which he is nursing silently. He has his hand partially over his mouth as he looks to Irons with his electric baby blues shining brightly.

"What?" He turns his head to the side a little bit in anger and shock like some people do. "How long has she been missing!?" Mitchell leans back in his chair as he rubs at his face. "Will would be so pissed right now. He'd be ready to tear apart half the world to find his baby sister..." Mitchell trails off as his eyes glaze over in thought. Gideon eyes him sadly but says nothing. Irons simply glares at Mitchell. And Joker tries to figure out how everyone knows, well... You.

"So, how do you know her?" Joker points at Mitchell who throws him a sloppy grin that makes him want to smirk.

"Childhood friends."

"And an occasional bad influence." Irons inserts with a small smile. He swirls the whiskey in his glass. "Gentleman, I cannot lose another child to this war. So, I'm asking, as a friend, and a father, will you please bring my daughter home safe?" All three gentleman mod their heads seriously.

"Yes Sir." They sing in unison. How could they deny those sad eyes? Mitchell stares down at the golden liquid in his glass. One second he watches his best friend die, the next second he loses his arm, and now it seems like just another second later, his other best friend has been taken hostage. He sips the golden deliciousness delicately as his mind wanders aimlessly. Irons had left the room a few minutes ago before Joker speaks uo first.

"I never knew Irons had a daughter..." He cracks a smile as he stares at Mitchell. "Is she hot?" Joker almost laughs at the glare Mitchell slowly throws at him as he picks his gaze up from his glass. Gideon cracks an amused smile behind his arms the he has resting on the back of the chair. Suddenly, he frowns. He can tell when Mitchell is annoyed or angry. This is one of those moments. The way dark blue flecks appear in his electric blue eyes and a dark blue ring forms on the outer edge. Joker must not take notice of this but Gideon decides to jump in before Mitchell kills him.

"I think what Joker meant to say," Gideon throws Joker a look. "Is if you ever had a thing with her. Am I right?" Joker swallows slightly but nods his head.

"S'right boss. Sorry Mitchell." Joker gets the slightest of blushes from embarrassment. Sometimes he cannot keep his trap shut and he says some shit that he could end up regretting. Mitchells eyes widen at their curiosity. His mouth hangs open before he face scrunches up in disgust.

"No. She's like my baby sister! But, I do have a picture of the three of us. Will, (Name), and I that I can show you." Joker and Gideon straighten up in their chair as Mitchell pulls out his wallet from his back pocket. Joker snorts.

"You carry a wallet?" Mitchell nods his head.

"Cash is much safer then paying with plastic. I don't want my identity stolen. Do you?" Mitchell quirks an eyebrow at Joker.

"Humph." Is Joker's only response as he scratches his chin. Mitchell's eyes light up as he smiles down at a picture he pulls from his wallet. He sets it on the table and slides it over the table top towards Joker.

"(Name) Irons. Daughter of Jonathan Irons." Joker is so transfixed on the picture of this young woman that he doesn't comprehend Mitchell's words.

"That's Irons daughter?" Jokers mouth falls open but he snaps it closed at the dangerous look Mitchell flashes him. He slides the picture towards Gideon who lets out a long but low whistle. One side of his mouth lunges up in a perverted grin.

"She's a beauty mate. The things I would do with a woman like that..." Joker laughs but Mitchell just shrugs.

"You won't do shit unless you want your dick cut off." Mitchell downs the rest of his whiskey as Gideon blinks innocently.

"I'm not the one you should be worried about Mitch..." Gideon stares at Mitchell he rubs at his face in annoyance.

"If either one of you touch her in any bad way..." Mitchell warns them sternly. Joker cocks his head to the side with a grin.

"Look at Mitchell... Expressing his feelings and shit. Hell must have frozen over." Mitchell barks out a laugh as the other two men laugh quietly. This was going to be a long mission... But, Joker and Gideon have no idea what their in store for.

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