I started walking and it took the boys a while to react and join me. I stormed into the Principal's office followed by four useless boys.

"What's the meaning of this Miss Delgado?"

I pulled Micah to my side and ask, "Is this proof enough to suspend or even better expel Mason Wilde?"

Mr. Ferguson was taken aback by my words or probably by the rage dancing in my voice.

"I'm sorry but I have no proof that Mr. Wilde did this to Mr. Nelson. There's nothing I can do."

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"Language!" he warned. "I am not going to suspend a brilliant student of this institution without solid proof."

"Right. I wonder if he is as brilliant as you say or if it's his father's wallet and the position he got you that makes him shine in your eyes."

"I will not admit such insinuations and disrespect from you, Miss Delgado!"

"Right, but you'll admit having a student bullying and hitting others. Fantastic! Just great!"

"I told you, without solid proof I can't do anything. My hands are tied. Now you better leave before saying something you'll regret."

I glared at him before I turn around and storm out of the office.

"Wow, I'm in shock," I heard Tyler say behind me. "I might have to stop calling you goody-good girl."

"Jules calm down," Noah pleaded, but I didn't care. I kept walking completely focused on my target: Mason.

Destiny or karma must have been on my side because I found him quickly. He was laughing with his friends as if there was nothing wrong with the world. As if he didn't do anything wrong. No wonder with his lack of accountability.

I only saw red and when my group realized what's happening it was too late. With the help of my anger, I pushed Manson against the lockers. I probably only achieved that thanks to the element of surprise as he was now looking at me with a stupid dumbfounded look on his face.

"What's wrong princess?" he plastered an arrogant smile.

"You messed with the wrong girl Wilde. If you ever touch Micah again, I will destroy you," I warned.

He let out a laugh full of malice. I could clearly see the true colors he had concealed from me.

"How sweet. I love how you both used the same threat. You really must be besties. I'm sad though, sad that I won't be able to play with you anymore. I really enjoyed our time together... I was really looking forward to fu-"

He didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as I punched him.

Shit. I think it hurt me more than him.

Or maybe not. He let out a grunt and held his nose.

"Bitch! I'm going to kill you!"

"You can try," I spat before leaving him and his brainless friends who were desperately trying to help him.

"I'm not afraid of hitting girls!" I heard him shout behind me.

I turned back to face him. "And I'm not afraid of weak people who feel the need to terrorize others to feel better and compensate for his daddy issues."

I turned again and walked to the parking lot, there's no way I was staying there. I would just tell my mother I had a panic attack or something. Yeah. That was it.

"What's wrong with you Jules?! This is exactly why I didn't tell you anything!" Micah sermoned me, but I just kept shaking my hand, trying to shake away the pain, while focusing to not let the tears in my eyes fall. "You made everything worse. Now he's going to hurt you too!"

"Remember when I asked for your opinion?" I asked. "Me neither."

"Don't you care what he might do?"

"Nope," I said, completely calm. "It felt good! I was pissed off and now I'm fine, or I was until you decided to ruin it."

They kept talking and I kept ignoring them until we finally reached my car.

"Well, I'm going home. I'm not in the mood to stay lock in a room to learn things. I can come and get you later Noah."

"Don't worry about it, I'll take him home Jules," Micah proposed defeated.

"Thanks." I smiled, genuinely happy to know that my two best friends are back to how they were before. Secrets do weigh a lot in relationships. They all started leaving, except Nick who hung back.

"Bye then," I said as I was about to open the door, only to have it slammed shut by Nick.

"You're not going home," he stated.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm taking you to the hospital."


He let out a weary sigh. "You might have broken something," he explained, gesturing my hand.

"This? It's fine. I'll put some ice on it and it'll be as nothing has ever happened."

"I can see it's hurting you." I unclenched my hand, trying to prove him wrong, but winced instead.

Great, Mr. Micah's Hero had to be as perceptive as Mr. Holmes.

"It's really okay," I insisted.

"No, it's not," he stated, taking my hand on his. He moved my fingers causing me to grunt in pain.

I swear he was pissing me off. Who did he think he was? Just because he somewhat helped, or should I say tried to help Micah, didn't mean he had a say in my life. He probably had a hero syndrome or something.

"I'll drive myself there then. I wouldn't want you to miss classes," I lied, using the gentlest smile I have.

"Not an option." I wouldn't want you to miss classes," I lied, using the gentlest smile I have.

"Look, I don't need your help. I don't want your help, okay? I needed you to use words when you were warning me about Manson, not to convince me to go to the hospital."

"I'm not good with words, nor with people. I won't budge. I either take you there or you're stuck here." It must have taken him a lot of effort to put that many words together.

"Fine! Hurry up then," I conceded.

"Fine! Hurry up then," I conceded

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