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'And in the middle of my chaos, there was you'


A clash that ends them

The bustle in the gym was greater than it was in normal days, the harsh rain hitting the glass panes compelled the players to commit their time to physical workouts rather than strategic practices out in the open.

Maaz had slept heavy after his nightly endeavors, although he was supposed to be answerable to the warden, he placed no regard in doing so. The warden had always looked the other way to anything and everything he did due to the heavy influence of his father in the academy, part ownership did that, and to his pride he considered himself a sort of prince there, but him being the captain of the team or the biggest hit in the academy wasn't any credit to his father, he had worked his legs off to attain this position. 

there were times he thought perhaps why the entire staff treated him as royalty was because his father had called in favors or maybe it was because he looked like he could kill without apprehension, or maybe it was really his father, there was so much a man could do for the time he did not spend with his child when he needed him the most, leaving him to maids and almost abandoning your kin, there was no type of favors that could cover that sort of trauma or loss but his father seemed to think so that he could ease into his life like this all of a sudden, as soon as he was comfortable enough, when his father had healed from the traumatic passing of his wife giving birth to Maaz, he though it was time to look at the son he had forgotten about. If only he knew there was no turning back the dead.

Bad company had already called him in, hanging out with the elite at very ripe age and dealing with things a child is by no means supposed to, gambling money away, he had lost things valuable to his house, stole and covered, he had mastered the art of deceit while his father was under some kind of absurd notion that his son was a little irresponsible when he noticed a drops in the bank account while sipping margaritas in Beijing, or that he had a passion for football. There was nothing as passion for him in football, he played or he did some bat shit crazy stuff. 

Shahzain was the son of an elite political leader, he had become his best buddy from when they were only 14, and had promised to destroy each other since then, Shahzain had introduced him to alcohol, when he attended the parties thrown by Shahzain's father, he had spend last night with Shahzain in some darkened brothel, and had come back with a sharp headache.

The bustle was so intense he had to plug in his noise cancelling earphones, while running the treadmill, little pleasures of life had gotten blur to him, the rain or the sunshine, the rainbows and someone smiling nothing meant anything to him, his life was all highs and only pit falls in lows, there was no middle ground. he seemed bored by the dancing trees through the window, he kept seeing it without thinking anything, just wanting his headache to disappear instantly, the low buzz of his phone broke him out of the reverie.

"What?" He asked, increasing the speed of the treadmill.

"He is on the ground, has destroyed my carpets," Shahzain spoke passionately.  "Passed out, no endurance, no tolerance whatsoever, and I don't like to wait for people who are destroying my life in front of my eyes,"

"Calm down your nerves it is going to get you no where, give him water and let him wake up again, then hit him again, he will open his mouth and he will pay for trashing your election campaign," Maaz spoke his tone unchanged, unfazed by the aggression in Shahzain's voice.

"Did you take care of the pictures he was threatening to leak, of all my scandals and affairs?" Shahzain's voice was now calculated, he knew not to provoke Maaz, if Maaz committed to something you must consider it done, otherwise, you had committed a felony in his world, he took it to his ego.

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