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'I need you'


All those times before

Maaz returned back, his muscles mildly aching, his blood gradually cooling, and his face showing signs of a fight. Ayat jolted from her seat. His conspicuous state seemed not to disturb her, she was vexed at him disappearing into the thin air. 

"Where the hell were you?" She asked in a low tone as he settled beside her.

"Something came up." Her nails dug in her palms on his reply made her furious. God knows, how she contained her anger.

"You should have told me if you weren't sure about the marriage, I would have understood,"

He felt dragged through mud by her words. He held her wrist subtly trying not to draw attention and seethed between his teeth. "You'll know. How damn sure I bloody am,"

She was far from pestering into his roughness. This is what she signed up for, his occasional snobbishness. His angst. His flipping moods, his rash tone and his after care. She might get bashed by society, but for her, the only rule applied here was, if you won't change yourself for him, don't expect him too as well'. For her, this was simple, she had loved him the same way.

She freed her reddened wrist, looking ahead into the slowly emptying venue, snapping her face away. From her peripheral vision she caught his sight. His body language stated his exasperation. She showed him, she was angry about his rudeness towards her. 

"Sometimes I wonder why are you still with me," 

His voice seemed edgy. She wanted to laugh at his question, though his question seemed genuine. "Because you occasionally act like a pompous dickhead and leave your wife alone right after you exchange wedding rings with her. Typical for you isn't it?" Her sarcastic voice foretold him her justified anger, he did leave without giving her a heads up. The news was that haunting for him, he couldn't think of anything, and for him he was still in the daze of it.

"You've got a dirty mouth on you wifey, don't you?" He muttered. She hated that they were fighting on their wedding day. He had been on his toes from the very start of this day, he didn't even mind complimenting her. She reminded herself that he was just a moody person at the end of the day.

"Whatever," She said turning her face away from him. He couldn't see her angry, he held her hand and caressed her palm.

"Don't be angry, you look ravishing when you smile,"

"Do you have a dual personality disorder?" 

He neared her. Her hands sweat, they were the showpiece right now, and more than in solitude, his advances made her anxious in front of everyone. "Do you have a problem?" His voice made her hot. It was so authoritive and low. 

"No...no," She stuttered looking away. He smirked seeing his effect on her was true to this day. She was bewildered, however, on where had he gone to, but ask him now was to put your hand in the lions den. She spent the rest of the evening, talking to her friends and meeting old acquaintances. Maaz was meeting his business associates, all those who congratulated them on their wedding.

They were to leave for Australia, tonight, chaining up to Thailand, Turkey, Maldives and finally their permanent home, US. Their things were all set in the private jet, and they were to aboard the plane at 12 o clock sharp. It was already 11:30. They needed to make haste, as she got paranoid if things were on time. She liked being punctual.

In time, Sara approached Ayat in evident urgency. "The cars are waiting for you,"

"Where are Danial and Shahzain?" Maaz stood up to inquire.

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