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The cold air cinched the young girl, who walked lethargically towards her college, she had regretted not layering much on the inside, and coming out of the house in a single shirt, she thought she'd walk to her college on a November morning, perhaps, it was bold of her to assume that, even though her mother had tried to convince her to wear a sweater.

It felt like all her muscles were achy, and there was no energy in her that usually buzzed from somewhere deep down her soul, not that she minded walking because her college was conveniently close and she didn't much like to trouble her older brothers, or her father to drop her off but today, she wished at least one of the three men was not busy, then she'd be a happy passenger princess for five minutes and wouldn't be feeling like throwing up in the middle of the street. Her oldest brother, Ahsan, had took off early for meeting at his office, and her second eldest was not in town, he lived off city in a prestigious football academy, but he was in town for a match, but he was off to practice, and her father was a surgeon and was perhaps, busy performing some kind of surgery.

 Her cold fingertips rested on her bag which hung low on her back. Students went inside the college, looking glum and irritated as always. The fatigue weighing her down, it was almost endearing to see some of the people who were excited walking in clusters of three or four.

She was about to cross the road when her eyes fell on a kitten meowing in the middle of the road, injured and helpless, it couldn't even move. No wonder, the cars were pretty much flying on the road. A part of her heart squeezed seeing it in pain. For as long as she had remembered she had been a big fan of animals, especially cats.

She marched on to help the poor thing, lifted the cat from the road into her arms. Its leg was scraped, the cat nuzzled its cute self into her, she found her ginger color so appealing, the thing looked so sweet, small paws, newborn probably. It somewhat had found comfort in her embrace. Who were these heartless people driving like freaking maniacs? She felt a surge of anger. In the midst of it, she hadn't paid much heed that, she too infact was standing in the middle of the main road, her ears perked when first a surge of wind and then the sound of a roaring engine reached her, there was no time escaping the darn thing. The car was so fast on it's wheels that had a speed breaker been in it's path it would have toppled over and fell head on to crash.

She didn't even have time to panic, the cat pressed to her and her eyes shut, if she was to die today better be without seeing her death ride coming her way. In retrospect, the wheels had screeched on the rough road, smoke erupting from the sides, and the loud noise of the engine dying, when she opened her eyes again she was inches away from a black Audi, beautiful as it was, the little spectacle had knocked the air right out of her lungs, and her heart beating wild.

Before her eyes covered with dark shadows, and little shapes of triangles, rectangles and pentagons started to form in her already fuzzy mind, she saw a man flurry out of the car in black ray bans and her eyes closed shut as she crashed on the floor with a loud thump.

Her eyes opened to the welcome sight of her friends, and she found herself laying on a bed in the college dispensary, her best friends, Haya and Mirha charged to check if she was still alive.

"You have been knocked out for a long while," Mirha informed her, rubbing her arm soothingly.

"Really?" Ayat said trying to sit up, when a string of pain surged onward on her right shoulder.

"Are you alright?"

"I think so,"

"Madam its about damn time you told us why that super good-looking man brought you here?" Haya's eyes had charged with sheer excitement. Ayat head was still throbbing with pain, and remainders of the event before he passing out came through. They were probably talking about the man who she hadn't seen for all it's worth in the world. Ray bans were all she remembered it was ironic the little detail she remembered.

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