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'My memory will haunt you forever'


The light at the end of the tunnel

It was a debatable fact in both their heads, if a relationship, as theirs was, was really working out in constant. The road however, stretched long in front of their eyes. They had been barely watching the fallen autumn leaves and the overhead dazzling sun. She was busy eating and he was busy watching her eat, and partially glancing on the road.

"Eyes on road!"

Until she decided to tell him, it was important, or they could well...die.

"Don't you feel taken?"

"Stolen you mean?" She broke the fried chicken and ate and spoke with gobbled words. "Like freaking abducted. Do you even realize what they are going to think? You pulled me out of work in front of an audience,"

"An audience? A street dog you mean. I am being careful like you asked me to,"

She sighed and ate again this time chugging the cold drink after.

"Are you stress eating? Is that really a thing?" He shot the words at her.

"it is," She mentioned. "Obviously it is, besides wasting food is bad, and I paid for it, so hell yes, I am eating it and in stress,"

Half a chicken piece later she decided to talk to him again.

"Does that matter? Even walls have ears, and desperate times call for desperate measures and you know if this thing gets out...also I am tired of sneaking out like this,"

"They'll think we are dating. Which we are but well you are you... and then your parents will be disappointed in you, heard this a thousand times," He halted his speech and looked at her not to get lost this time but argue perhaps.

"So?" She asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. "So what?"

"So what? So bring a damn proposal. Oh my god you are not playing me are you?"

"Do you even think before speaking lady?" He said. "You know I love you,"

"Then tell me what the wait is for? I told you I cannot keep lurking around the streets with you,"

His mouth opened and then he looked back at the road. The silence was deafening as she waited for his reply.

"What?" She asked.

"You look better when you are eating,"

"You mean when my mouth is shut. You are so typical!" She shouted.

"I...Well. I do have the business in America, on top of all that, my psycho cousin and your security; marriage would be overwhelming for us in this time,"

His casual tone was urging her to tear apart his throat. "You mean you are not ready,"

"I mean we are not ready," He mentioned carefully. 

In reality, was hesitating that he'd mess up that he didn't have a rock solid base to make things good with her family after the 'picture scandal'. The best thing he could go and say was 'hi uncle. Hi aunty. I am your future son in law (and obviously I am imposing this on you), who just can't keep it in his damn pants, totally smitten by your sexy daughter and I also happen to be a mafia leader (Of sorts, bad sorts) so let me marry your daughter, also my parents are dead, and my family is MIA'

Conclusion there was nothing decent about him, except his business, but won't the darkness outshine the brightness in his character? It 100 percent would and for the first time he was terrified of screwing up.

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