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'In you, I found and lost myself, all at the same time'


Half Heaven, Half Hell

The house was on full roar, people talking, girls panicking and every other possible noise. Fairy lights adorned their small house. Ayat wore her last pieces of jewelry, skimming her look one last time in the full-length mirror she exited her room, the sleek bun, and flower accessories, a subtle amount of makeup was making her look angelic.

The most wholesome sights were seen in the house, Sara hugging Ahsan, Arsalan then adjusting his brother's collar, and smoothing every crease from his kurta. Ayat finally appeared after taking hours to get ready, it was her brother's wedding she wanted to look ethereal.

"You look so good, I might cry," Ayat squealed. 

"Come on drama queen," Ahsan said spreading his arms. Ayat gladly hugged her brother.

"Where's dad?" She asked when a panic sort of gripped her.

"He was outside putting the Mehndi stuff in the car, which reminds me, Arsalan go and help your dad," Sara said, and Arsalan quietly walked out to help his father.

"Thank god," Ayat sighed. "I thought dad left without the stuff,"

"With the amount of pressure you are putting on everyone I don't think they can forget anything," Ahsan replied with naughty smile.

"I care for you, without me your wedding would have been a disaster, instead of these khussas you would have been wearing slippers," Ayat said mockingly.

"I know, and I am not even fighting you little one," Ahsan raised his hand in defeat.

"You give up so easily, no fun," Ayat groaned.

"Ayat go and call your cousins, we are getting late," 

Fun apart they were getting late, and Sara was the definition of a desi mom being overly neurotic at her son's wedding.

Ayat settled in the car after everyone was done getting ready and settled in the cars. Somehow she ended up in the car Aman was driving, although he had turned out to be a literal pain in the ass, he was her cousin and could scarcely be avoided. Aman gave her a wink from the mirror thinking she was still the girl who was head over heels in love with him.




"This can't be happening, this can't be happening," Ayat mumbled. A slurry of anxiety riding up her spine, her legs felt jelly and her senses garbled. How the hell was Maaz standing in her brother's wedding? Looking like he owned the damn venue as well.

 His eyes scrutinized her, for him there was no one else in the room except for her. Those eyes. She gasped for air looking around. In such a highly crowded area, there was no way she could escape that torture. This is what having a crush was like it felt like you were on cloud nine whilst sinking in the deepest oceans. Only one question sounded her brain, who invited him? How'd he get in? Did he threaten the guards with that gun of his? Every time she looked at him she forgot that he carried a freaking gun on him, this man was bad news. 

He looked composed, calm and collected while she was shitting herself, she didn't think he'd let her slide without talking to her once more, but she didn't think that he'd drop by on her brother's wedding unannounced. 

 He folded his hand on his broad chest, meticulously checking her out, and the more he noticed the more he realized, he couldn't keep away from this girl. She had a deep claws in him, since the start of the year when he saw her in one of the practices Arsalan brought her along. At first she looked unapproachable, her face the best of the poker ones, but when Arsalan went back to the bleachers and said something to her, her laugh was priceless and her smile couldn't have a match not in a thousand years. Not ever. 

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