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'It was always you'


A devil with a splendid soul

She couldn't fathom the relation and just as her mind had taken up the task to process the information, he fell into his arms. His frame of 6'3 and his weight perforated her arms.

"Alcohol beat you to it. Mr. Chaudhry. I am afraid that you're at my mercy now. Kind of," She muttered and laid him down on the warm bed. Dragging and positing the man was beyond her capabilities.

 She laid there his head in her arms, and his lashes shadowing his cheekbones. She reached over to his face. His masculine hands. Rough and protective thinking of the horrors they had done and the wonders it could do. His obsidian hair in the dimly lit room and his notorious locks on his forehead spread so carefully.

She ran a hand through his hair. Maybe it would be the only chance she had away from reality to do it. The last once perhaps.

"Good night," She whispered in his ear. As if he'd hear it. He wouldn't. She'd tell him how bothered she felt about his ignorance. She hated it and she was ready to admit it. Admittance cost her Maaz being near later women. But whatever its cost. She'd at least tell him to end her suffering than whether he'd hate her or hate her. There was one way around it that's what she was told over and over again. Maaz isn't going to love you Ayat. She had been told that ample amount of time, but even if he'd establish that he'd hate her for the rest of his life for whatever reasons she'd make peace with it because there is nothing worse than confusion.

She recalled to the first time she saw him, it wasn't just fear, endurance and threat she felt. She felt one more thing, more prominent than all others. She felt drunk. Overwhelmed and today he smelled like that day. Like leather and male musk. It suddenly felt like a farewell. She would say good bye to her feelings today. It took her a moment to finally leave him be. She dragged her feet towards the door and knocked fast, she heard a precise shuffle meaning someone came on the other side.

"Open the door. Your friend's asleep like a baby and I am exhausted and would like to go home. Thank you," She said. Didn't know why she addressed like that. Maybe it was her tiredness speaking. The door opened and Danial peeked in.

"He could have alcohol poisoning if he had another glass," She informed alerting the man.

"He's used to it. Bhabhi," Danial answered dragging Maaz over on the bed and putting a pillow under his head and with the subtlety and causality Danial was doing it. She knew he was telling the truth, that he had done it ample amount of times. Same thing over and over, she established to all his infamous flaws Maaz was alcoholic as well.

"No one is used to poison. Don't let him drink coffee the first thing in the morning, it'll worsen him," Ayat said and then headed for the door. No music could be heard. Desertion initiated outside, seemed like the party was over after all. At last.

Danial nodded. Ayat turned back. "And, don't call me that,"

"What? Bhabhi?" Daniel's goofiness was back.

"Yes. Your brother hates me,"

Danial attentively listened to her as she spoke. She continued speaking again without any barriers this time like you'd usually do when trying to put out less information or hide something.

"You know he wasn't like this, he was a nice person but then I messed up. I messed up and accused him of something because I was the one who couldn't deal with him, because I was afraid. He's a job to keep and I sucked at it,"

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