CH 9 Messed Up

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Mason flashed the torch in the empty corridor, and motioned for the other's to follow as well, as they took a turn.

"Are we there yet?" he asked looking at Ava.

"Yeah, see that bench?" she asked pointing towards a bench in the corner, that could be seen from their corridor on the ground floor, but actually happened to be on the open ground, in front of the tower of enthusiasm.

"Yeah," the boys muttered as Mason flashed the light on that bench.

"Jumping over it, we reach that haunted place," she said in a sinister voice.

"This is awesome!" Mason said almost laughing.

"This is sinister," Jacob muttered behind him.

"This is adventurous!" said Avery as Ava took the torch from Mason and led them towards the bench. Jacob leaned over it and saw a few overgrown climbers spread on the wall that was well hidden by the bench, and when Ava said they had to jump over that bench, she actually meant used the bench to jump over that wall.

Ava handed the torch to Avery and jumped over the wall first, with a slight thump on the other side. Jacob went next, and Avery and Mason heard a thump, and a groan, and a smack. Mason went next, taking the torch with him so that Avery could jump after him, and this time Avery heard two groans, and a thrash. She blinked a few times, but because Mason took the torch with him, she couldn't think of any other thing to do than to feel her way towards the bench and jump over.

However, as she was about to jump, a her leg caught on a climber, and she thought she would fall on the ground on her head, but her landing was soft, and the ground appeared lower than it actually was. That was before she heard three groans below her.

"Holy shit", she muttered feeling around and her hands touched something soft and silky. "What is this!?" she asked in a panicked voice grabbing the soft-silky thing tightly and shaking it.

"THAT'S MY HEAD!" she heard Mason's voice.

Avery's eyes widened in realization as she rolled off the mountain of humans and landed on the ground. She heard Mason groan. "My scalp", he groaned before rolling off as Avery shot him a sheepish smile, feeling around the ground for a torch, and then switching it on again, seeing Jacob hurriedly scrambling off the person below him, the person below him being a very pissed off Ava. And why should she not be? After all three people jumped on top of her.

"I hate all of you." Ava mumbled before sitting up. Everyone sat in a circle together and then looked at eachother.

"So....... who's starting?" Avery asked. Everyone stayed quiet before Ava groaned and laid down.

"I will." She said putting on the blank face again. Everyone looked at her. Ava then told Avery what she had told the boys in her room to which Avery took her hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Wh-when I was five. My parents got divorced. My mother didn't want me because I was related to my father." Ava looked up at the ceiling. The torch was between them silently glowing as if listening to them. She continued,"So my father took me. But, on my sixth birthday my dad was on a business trip. He promised he would come back before noon. But before that could happen I got the news that the plane crashed. No one survived. My father's friend sent me to my mum. Mum drove at full speed to C.H.A. and threw me in. She said something about me having" Ava was clutching her head tightly trying to remember what else.

"I'm sorry......" Jacob and Mason trailed off not knowing what to say. They were looking at Ava who was now sitting up and still holding her head in her hands.

"Alright Ava. Stop it. You'll get a headache." Avery said removing Ava's hands from her head. Ava still kept her eyes close. There were tears in her eyes and she didn't want anyone else to see she was crying. She harshly rubbed her eyes before opening them and tried to give them all a cheerful smile but failing miserably.

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