CH 23 The Great Llama

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"The same grandma who I haven't seen from the past eight years?!"

"Yes...that grandma." Ethan muttered.

"The same grandma who says we should eat vegetables for breakfast?!" Ava asked once again.

"Yes, that grandma." Ethan said once again.

"We're visiting her for Christmas?! Which is tomorrow?!"


"And no secret santa this year?!" Ava asked.

"Be creative. Use some paper and colours." Ethan shrugged.

"I'm not some five year old you can make disappear like that." Ava mumbled.

"You sure do act like one." Ethan muttered.

Ethan had found Ava sitting on the swing, with Jacob, but then Ethan shooed him away saying he wanted to talk to her.

Avery and Mason were in the music room trying out a song Avery had started writing but had problems trying to finish it, when Mason insisted if he could help.

Jacob was sitting on the other swing a few feet away from where Ava and Ethan were sitting, fiddling with a flower which fell down at his knee a few moments ago.

The cold breeze blew silently as Jacob shuddered slightly. He let the flower fall to the ground accidentally, frowning slightly when the flower slipped from his hands. He sighed and tucked his hands under his chin, resting his elbows on his knees.

His curly blond hair flowing in every direction, the cherry blossom trees stood beautifully around the swing he was sitting at. But his mind was anywhere but at the sight in front of him.

Ava glanced at Jacob, who wasn't paying attention to anything at the moment.

"But I haven't visited her in years." Ava mumbled, her finger making soft circles on the wooden swing. Ethan sighed.

"That's why she wants to see you." He muttered.

"Can I ask you something?" Ava asked quietly.

"Yeah?" Ethan shrugged.

"Why didn't you tell me that I'm your sister?" She asked looking up at him. Ethan's eyes immediately went down to his knees. He furrowed his eyebrows as he let out a small puff of air.

"I ran away when you were what...three?" Ethan began. "I was only eleven back then. Our mother....she..." He stopped and gulped slightly glancing at Ava.

"Hated me?" Ava suggested as the corner of her lips tugged up slightly.

"She didn't hate you...she just thought that dad paid more attention to you." He muttered now realizing how he shouldn't have said that. Ava scoffed but didn't say anything as Ethan continued.

"I couldn't stand it. She told me to stay away from you, blamed you for all the things I did-" Ava cut Ethan off.

"She sounds like a child." Ava said not even the slightest bit affected by what her own mother had done.

"She was." Ethan agreed, nodding his head. "Her father was the mayor of the city, only child of the family, spoilt little girl, who was only used to attention to herself and nothing else."

Ava was slightly shocked to hear Ethan talking about their mother like that. But at last, the truth can never be turned.

"Then why did you run away?" Ava asked quietly.

"Didn't want that life where my own mother wanted to kill my own sister." Ethan said coldly.

"WHO'S MOTHER DID WHAT!?" both of them slightly jumped when they heard a voice shout. Ethan glanced at the swing where Jacob had previously been sitting on, and rolled his eyes when he found it empty.

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