After the Captain's little performance, Alya, Nino, Mari and I went to the eagle's nest to tidy up. Not clean, just tidy, there's a difference.

I feel a buzzing in my pocket and pull out my phone to see a call coming in from Adrien. This can either be really good news or really bad news. I answer.

"Hey, sunshine!"

"Hey, Y/N."

"That wasn't a happy 'hey'."

"Well, I messed up my piano piece and now my father won't let me come tonight."

I pause for a second to cool down. I'm sure my face is scarlet with anger right now. Mari's also looking at me worried, so I need to take a few breaths. "What me to bust you out?"

"No," he chuckles, "If I need to, I think I can do so on my own." I roll my eyes and smirk. The others are looking at me weird since my mood did a complete 180 in the span of two seconds.

"Well, God's speed, cinnabun." I hang up on his chuckles and look to three very confused friends. "Adrien's pops is being a little bitch. I'm hoping he'll bust himself out." They all nod understandingly. We're at the point of our friendship where they know my mood swings dramatically and I get them all in and out of a lotta shit. They're just used to it at this point.

Nino dips outside to get a duster and places a metal 'rock out' hand sculpture on the massive compass thingy. I'm about to take it off because that's bad for the compass but I'm beaten to it by a strong pirate accent.

"Woah, sailor!" The three of us turn to see the Captain march towards the compass. "Never place a metal object next to a compass, ya hear, lassies?"

"Yup," I say. I take the metal hand from her to demonstrate. "Metal distorts the Earth's magnetic field in the area it's in," I bring the statue closer to the compass making the compass go berserk. "Since compasses read the Earth's magnetic field, bringing a metal object near it will make the compass go crazy."

The Captain looks at me fondly. "Ye be a sharp one there," she compliments, "Ye'd make a fine sailor."

I spread my hands out as if saying 'welp'. "Ye never know?" I say mimicking her accent. We both laugh a little with Alya and Mari just shaking their heads at me. I grab Mari's hand and pull her so she's in front of me and I bear hug her from behind.

"You know," I say suavely, "If I were a compass, you'd be my metal object." Her face flushes and I smirk. I kiss her cheek and whisper, "or maybe it's the other way around." I nip her earlobe quickly before releasing her.

I smile smugly at Alya, knowing full well that she's gonna say 'get a room!' but a different voice pipes up first.

"We're ready, Captain!" Rose squeaks from the bottom of the stair. "But, uh, Luka's missing."

The Captain turns to me. "Y/N, right?"

"Aye aye."

"Since you've done enough cleanin' to be flirtin', could you go tell Luka we're waiting on him for rehearsals?"

I chuckle. "Sure. Where is he?"

"You'll find him in his quarters."

I two-finger salute her and head below deck. The room is lovely. Breakfast bar to the left, couch littered with instruments and ship things in front of me and a hallway across the room. I walk through the doorway, eyes set on the door a little ways ahead. I take two steps then something in my peripherals is moving towards me. My reflexes kick in and I evade the thing - which turns out to be a person - grab their arm and kick out their knees. So now there is a person with a blue jean jacket and black-to-blue ombre hair pinned under me with no chance of escaping.

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