"Marcy, please." Her head was hung low, a mumble of speach was only heard, "I'm here to fuck up my ex boyfriend for the years of pain he put me through, and to support this fucker." A smile creeped out, and the blue haired leader couldn't help but melt for her friend.

"yes, so Marcy is a Brute, she's the strongest but slowest, and she will be up front all game. Our third member is, Candy."

A few girls tried to say hi, but she just nodded. "Yeah... she doesn't talk much, but she's the assassin so she doesn't really need to. Candy will mainly work on her own or take orders from the sniper who can see her at all times."

Mi picked up her feet and shuffled to the other side of the room. "Now for the newbies- Here is Kuomi, our courteous medic who stays at the back and looks after us all. There's Nahee our sniper, shes gonna watch everyone from up top and tell us where we need to be. Everyone, including me, needs to listen to her. Matchaaa, our traps girl is just going to cause havoc, and finally-"

Everyone's eyes looked over to the girl laying back in her chair, her legs crossed tightly and a mean grin of her face. "Sup sluts, I'm Amber, the real person up front."

Marcy jumped to her feet, Mi already predicted there would be a clash of member roles and personality. "Mi, what the fuck? I thought I was upfront!"

"Yes you are... but its my new strategy... Amber will be next to you and watch your back, Marcy you have the least health but your the strongest-"

"Sit down weak bitch, I'm baby sitting you." Amber couldn't help but smirk.

"I'm sorry, what did this fucking bitch just call me?"


"I said, your flat chested-ass self needs helping, fucker."


"guys sto-"

"STOP FIGHTING!" Kuomi slammed her water bottle on the table, her eyes welling up with tears. "This is our new start, not only are we getting payed but we are doing something that will inspire people, who like us were looked down on. Please... get along..." She soft cheeks wobbled as she ran to Mi, hiding her face in a tight hug.

A suddenly everyone felt bad as small sniffles filled the room. The two hot header's sat back down and shut their mouths.

"I guess I could use someone watching my back..."

"And I'm fine with being second running in, I guess..."

Mi tapped the smaller girls shoulder, "See, its all good. Why don't you sit where Marcy does and Marcy moves one over? So your in the middle of the room? You can keep everyone in line for me!" It was like talking to a small child, with a big snuff, Kuomi was once again happy and lazily skipping to greet her new desk mates.

"Well if that's sorted, can we go? "Jacksons eyes where glued to his phone, "My date is waiting for me."

Everyone gleamed at the thought of an early day off. "Sure, you can leave..." The whole room cheered, "But only Jackson. He knows how to play and follow orders, as for the rest of you- we have training to do and only two weeks to do it. I hope you've said goodbye to your beds, because days are going to get longer and harder."

"Oh how lovely! I cant wait." Nahee scrunched her nose while shoving her head set on.

"Now, lets see how good you all are... One at a time you'll fight me as the characters I've given you.." Mi couldn't help but smile, this was her favourite part. In Team army, she spent hours watching old game play and ranking the members, seeing who was good at what. But now, the research was first hand and she could easily rank each player.

『𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵』 [𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐟𝐟 ]Where stories live. Discover now