A Gift That Keeps Giving

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Barry and Kara were lying on their couch with their babies having just said goodbye to their children again, but at least this time it was a happy goodbye and no one died. Barry was about to go to The Speedforce and ask about the new multiverse but he saw how distraught his wife was and figured he was needed here more.

"You and Melly are going to grow up into strong and brave heroes." Kara cooed to her son

"Just like your mommy." Barry said kissing Melissa's forhead

"Barr, what about our fragment of the Anti-Life Equation?" Kara asked suddenly

"I checked don't worry, it's still in STAR Labs." He said as she let out a sigh of relief 

"I wonder how every other Barry and Kara are doing since Earth-1 was wiped out?" Kara asked resting her head on Barry's shoulder

"Wanna go see?" He asked smiling

"Really?" She said smiling

"Of course, if you want we can even bring Grant and Melly with us, i know how much you've wanted some family time." Barry suggested as she rapidly nodded, "And since they're getting older ther bodies can handle higher speeds." He said smiling, "But i wanna ask The Speedforce what is new about this multiverse." He said as she nodded and he handed her Melissa.

"Be safe Barr but i think we should hold off taking Grant and Melissa through interdimensional portals." Kara urged as he smiled and nodded. He grabbed his coat off the hanger and smiled at his wife one more time before speeding out of the apartment and down the streets of Central City. He ran through the portal and appeared in his childhood house, but he heard multiple voices besides that of The Speedforce, who now goes by the name Nora.

"Hello?" He called out as the voices stopped, "Anyone home?" He asked again as he walked around the corner.

"Hey." Someone waved, he turned to see....himself

"Uhh hi?" Barry asked confused

"Oh you must be confused, i'm your doppelganger, or your my doppelganger." The other Barry said extending his hand as Barry nodded and shook it

"Where's The Speed- i mean Nora?" Barry asked

"You mean my mom?" The other Barry said

"Wait, The Speedforce is your mom?" Barry asked confused

"Yeah, somehow when i was a baby i appeard here and then she raised me." SD (Shrouded Destiny) Barry chuckled scratching the back of his neck

"Barry, who are you talking to?" A female voice called out as she rounded the corner to see two Barry's, "Ummmmm." The blonde said confused

"Emily, this is my doppelganger, from Earth Prime." SD Barry said as the blonde nodded

"Hi, my name is Emily Sharp, i'm his or your sister." Emily smiled slightly confused

"Is Nora also your mom?" Barry asked

"No, no, no, you see there's four multiversal forces, my mom's name is Vanessa and she's the Life Force. We have another sister named Laya her mom's name is Freya she is the Sage Force and we also have a brother named Lewis, his dad is Arthur and he is the Still Force." Emily explained while also forgetting to take breath.

"What did you mean by Earth Prime?" Barry asked as SD Barry nodded

"When the multiverse restarted there was another centre Earth was created and that is Earth Prime and not Earth-1. All the realities of Earth-1 are now seperate Earths." SD Barry said as Barry nodded and smiled

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