Wedding Bells

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Today was the day Barry and Kara had both been dreaming about for months. Their wedding. Kara woke up with a huge smile on her face that quickly disappeared when she saw that Barry wasn't next to her but intead a tray of breakfast and a note.

'Bad luck for a groom to see his bride on their wedding day, See you at the altar
Love you '
-Barry <3

Kara smiled widely and began eating breakfast while reciting her vows, unknowen to her, her older sister had just arrived

"That's really cheesey." Alex said leaning on the door way while Kara looked at her

"Alex, hey, and yes my vows are really cheesey." Kara said walking up to her and hugging her

"Why are you here now?" Kara asked

"Go get ready me and Cait are taking you out" Alex said as Kara nodded and walked off


"You ready?" Cisco asked as he and Barry were getting there tuxes fitted

"I couldn't be more ready." Barry said smiling at the mirror while fixing his tie

"One suit to another." Cisco said smiling at the golden flash ring

"I still don't know what the speedforce meant when it said a crisis was coming." Barry said nervously

"Dude, calm down you're getting married thats the only think you're allowed to think about." Cisco said as Barry smiled

"It means a lot that you're here man." Barry said patting his shoulder

"Wouldn't miss it, it's a shame Joe or Caitlin couldn't be here." Cisco said as Barry smiled

"Caitlin's doppelganger will be there though." Barry said 

"Really, why?" Cisco asked

"She's dating Kara's sister." Barry said as Cisco nodded

"Oh right forgot about that." Cisco said laughing


"Hey dad." Barry said hugging his father

"Hey slugger, can't believe you're already getting married." Henry said with both of his hands of Barry's shoulders

"Yeah, i just with Mom was here." Barry said smiling sadly

"Don't worry Barry, she is." Henry said looking up

"And she would be so proud of you, and would of loved Kara." 

"Thanks Dad." Barry said smiling


"Hi, Eliza." Kara said as Eliza smiled and broguth her into a tight hug

"Hey, honey, i'm glad you're getting married to Barry." Eliza said smiling

"Me too, i just wish my parents were here." Kara said smiling at the sky

"I'm sure they would of loved Barry." Eliza said 

"Even though my parents aren't here it means a lot that my mother is here." Kara said smilng at Eliza

"That's flattering but i'm not your mother." Eliza said rubbing Kara's arm

"Sure, you only took me and raised me even though you didn't have too, you gave me a home and food. You're my mother." Kara said smiling

"I love you Kara." Eliza said bringing her into another hug

"I love you too Mom." Kara said making Eliza tear up

"Go your future husband is waiting for you." Eliza said smiling. Kara had asked Henry to walk her down the aisle since her father was dead and Eliza was a single mother.

"Thanks again for walking me down the aisle." Kara said smiling as Henry looked at her

"No worries, i'm sorry that your father couldn't be here today." Henry said as Kara shook her head

"He is." She said smiling

Barry was at the altar his heart practically pounding out of his chest, he started to smile when the music started to play and one of Kara's friends bagn to sing 'Running home to you', Time stopped for Barry when he saw Kara walking down the aisle in her wedding dress, Barry stil couldn't believe he would be marrying her in a few minutes. Kara walked down the aisle and was greeted with her husband standing at the altar wearing a nice black suit with a rose in his jacket pocket, she smiled widely and couldn't believe she would get to call Barry her husband in a few minutes. She walked and stood in front of Barry with tears in her eyes, Barry smiled down at her with tears seeping through his eyes

"Everyone please be seated."

"Now that everyone is here, let us celebrate the union between Barry Allen and Kara Danvers. Two people who deserve happiness and each other." The priest said as everyone in the church wiped their tears

"Now for the vows." He said as he motioned for Barry to speak, Barry took a deep breath and left the piece of paper in his pocket

"Kara, ever since i bumped into you at Jitters that day i've been hopelessly in love with you, even the parts your embarrassed of like how cheesey you are or how scared you are of thunder, but none of that matters to me because nothing can make me stop loving you ever, i love you Kara Danvers and i promise to take care of you in sickness and in health and be faithful to the day i die." Barry said letting his tears flow as Kara smiled widely at him, so much so her cheeks started to hurt.

"That was beautiful, Kara?" The priest said as Kara snapped out of her daze

"Barry, you've changed my life in ways in never thought possible, ever since my parents died i thought i could never find true happiness until you bumped into me and Jitters and that went all of out the window, because you Barry Allen make me happy and loved, I love everything about you, even how nerdy you are at times, but nothing can make me love you less, i love you Barry Allen and i promis to take care of you in sickness and in health and i promise you i'll be faithful until the day i die." Kara finished wiping her tears as Barry chuckled and did the same

"Barry Allen, do you take Kara Danvers as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do" Barry said smiling and slipping the ring on her finger as she smiled widely

"Kara Danvers, o you take Barry Allen as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do." Kara said smiling and putting the ring on Barry's finger

"By the power vest in me i now pronouce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bri-" Before the priest could finish his sentence Barry pulled Kara into a kiss she giggled and kisses back immediatly. Everyone stood up and clapped as Barry and Kara pulled apart and gazed into each others eyes

"We're married." Barry said as Kara nodded

"Finally." Kara said hugging him tightly

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