A Hero's Sacrifice

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Infantino Street

"Flash, this is it." Savitar said holding Iris

"Now the moment is upon us, my ascension to become a god."

"Not tonight." Barry said as he stared down The God of Speed

"Show me you're the hero, let's see what happens." Savitar said dropping Iris

Barry smirked thinking he won. He shot Savitar with the speedforce bazooka expecting it to trap Savitar in the speedforce but nothing happened. Savitar lifting his hand showing the philosopher's stone.

"You really think i'd fall for the same trick twice." Savitar said picking Iris back up and holding her in front of him. He popped his blade from his suit

"You lose, Barry." 

Instead of running towards Savitar, Barry knew there was only one way to save Iris. He stared at Iris and started to vibrate his hand and point it towards his chest. Savitar saw this and thought he was bluffing and taunted him.

"You think that'll save Iris?" Savitar yelled 

"Only one way to find out." Barry said 

"I love you Iris." Barry said plunging his hand towards his heart

"NOOOOO!!!" Savitar yelled dropping Iris and running towards Barry, but it was too late.

Barry had already vibrated his hand straight through his chest and his heart. Savitar stopped in his tracks and began to fade from existence. He looked at his hands and saw them fading away.

"No, no, no this wasn't supposed to happen." Savitar yelled at the sky as he faded from existence.

Iris ran over to Barry's corpse with tears in her eyes.

"Barry....." Was all she could say looking at her soon to be husband's body. Joe and H.R came behind her and wrapped her in a hug and try and comfort her but it was just as hard for them as it was for her. Joe tried to cover her eyes from Barry's body but in doing so saw his son's body.

"B.A." H.R said closing Barry's eyes, what he found weird was that Barry died with a smile on his face.

"I'm so sorry." Tracey said crying

"It wasn't your fault." Joe said as Iris cried into his shoulder

"We should get him back to STAR Labs." H.R said as Joe nodded. Joe walked over to his body and looked at him with tears streaming down his face.

"I love you, son." Joe said kneeling down and picking up his body and putting it in the extrapolator to breach back to STAR Labs. 

Joe, Iris, Tracey and H.R walked back into the Cortex and looked around and saw Cisco hadn't captured Killer Frost yet. Joe and Iris walked into the medbay with Barry still in Joe's arms and laid his body on the bed.

"I love you Barry always have and always will." Iris said kissing his forehead before leaving

A few minutes of silence went by before Cisco breached in with Killer Frost in meta dampening cuffs.

"Guess who caught the Ice Queen. That's right this guy." Cisco said smiling and pointing to himself, his smiled quickly faded when he noticed the atmosphere of the room.

"Hey, why's everyone so gloomy, we caught Killer Frost, Iris is alive which means Savitar is gone so why aren't you guys celebrating" Cisco said worriedly.

"Uhh." H.R said motioning for Cisco to go into the medbay. Curiousity got the better of Killer Frost so she followed. Cisco walked in and saw the lifeless body of Barry lying there.

"No, no, he isn't dead maybe he's in a coma or the speedforce is healing him." Cisco said panicking and on the verge of tears. He also noticed that Killer Frost's hair was now brown.

"Barry.....No please." Caitlin said crying

"He did it to save me." Iris said sadly.

"He killed himself to erase Savitar from existence." Joe said wiping a tear.

"No." Cisco said crying and looking at Barry.

"I shouldn't be hear this is all my fault. It should of been me." Caitlin said crying

"Caitlin, please don't blame yourself that's the last thing Barry would want." Iris said crying as she hugged her friend.

"Good to have you back." Cisco said hugging Caitlin

A week passed since Barry's death and today was the day of his funeral. Team Arrow, Legends, Supergirl and the remnants of team Flash attended. 

"Barry Allen has gone through so much in his life, first his mother then his father, but no matter what he always had a smile on his face. Even when he died, he died with a smile, he knew his sacrifice meant that Iris and the rest of team Flash would live. Barry Allen was loved as a son, a friend, a best friend and husband." Joe said as everyone including Oliver started to cry over the loss of their friend and ally.

As Barry vibrated his hand through his chest he smiled knowing he just saved the lives of Iris and the rest of team Flash. As everything went black he suddenly woke up in his childhood bedroom. He walked around and figured out he was in the speedforce.

"Hello, Barry." The speedforce said taking form as Barry's mother

"Why am i here, is this like speedster heaven." Barry said looking around

"Not quiet, we managed to save your soul and place it here so you aren't techniclly dead." the speedforce said

"So can't you just send me back to my body." Barry asked as the speedforce nodded

"We can send your soul back to your body on Earth-1 if you wish."

"No, it's better if they think i'm dead, i cause too much pain to the people around me as The Flash." Barry said as the speedforce nodded again

"So what do you want to do?" 

"Can you send me to a different Earth? One where i don't have to worry about the reponsibility of being The Flash." Barry asked

"So you want us to send you to a different Earth, without your speed." The speedforce said as Barry smiled and nodded

"I just want a second chance at a normal life. One where i'm not faced with danger every single day and i can find true happiness." Barry said smiling.

"As you wish." the speedforce said a blue portal opened up

"Thank you so much." Barry said hugging the speedforce

"No, we must thank you, for all of the lives you've saved as The Flash."

He smiled greatfully at the speedfore before walking through the portal. He walked into the portal and came out in an apartment. He assumed it was his and took out his wallet. He saw his name was 'Barry Henry Allen' instead of 'Bartholomew Henry Allen' He smiled widely and mentally thanked the speedforce.

"Alright time to figure out what else is new." Barry said putting his wallet back in his pocket and leaving his apartment.

A/N: (Let me know what you think of the story so far.)

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