Heroes Unite (Part 2)

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"Whyyyyy?" Kara whined leaning her forehead on Barry's shoulder

"Wha-did i interupt something?" Cisco asked nervously

"Yeah, my quality time with my husband and kids." Kara pouted

"You've been dating for a year and a half and you gave birth like three months ago." Cisco pointed out not knowing Kara is now actaully Kara

"Uhh, about that." Kara said nersouly as she floated off the floor slightly

"Kara as in Supergirl?"

"Yeah....long story we'll explain later." Barry said as he placed the kids back in the crib

"Are you going to leave them there?" Cisco asked pointing to the twins

"Bring them we can give them to Joe, i'm sure he wouldn't mind, he loves them just as much as we do." Barry said as Kara held Melissa closer to her face

"Mommy loves you." Kara whispered kissing Melissa's forehead and then Grant's forehead

"Let's go." Barry said, his heart melting seeing Kara with the kids.

They walked through the breach with Cisco and saw everyone in the Cortex. Team Flash, Team Arrow, Team Legends and Team Supergirl.

"Wh-Barry?" Sara asked pointing to her 'dead' friend

"Yeah it's me Sara." Barry chuckled nervously as Sara came up and gave him a tight hug

"I'm glad you're alive." Sara said as they smiled at eachother

"Me too." Barry said looking at Kara

"Kara? We've been searching for you for ages, where were you." Alex said wrapping her sister in a hug

"About that Alex we need to talk." Kara said as Alex nodded a bit confused

"Good to see you again Barry." Oliver said with his hood down as Kara handed Grant over to Caitlin

"He's so cute." She heard Caitlin with Felicity and Curtis

"What's this big emergency?" Kara asked a bit angry that her time with her husband and kids was cut short, even though they have the rest of their lives together.

"Aliens, known as the Dominaters, didn't exactly come here peacefully, they've ignored all attempts to contact them and have responded with hostility when we've tried to approach them." Lyla said as Barry nodded

"I've heard of them, they slaughtered so many people back on Krypton, they only attack worlds that might pose a threat in the future or to other worlds, with this earth i'm guessing it's the meta-humans with Krypton is was our technology." Kara said sadly as everyone nodded. Barry saw how sad she was and put his arm around her waist and kissed her temple making her smile

"Woah, when did that happen?" Alex pointed out to the two of them

"Long story." Barry and Kara said in unison

"So what's the plan with these Dominaters?" Barry asked

"They have set up a base of operations in Central City, an abandon warehouse on the edge of the city." Felicity said bringing up a map

"Hmm nice to know that aliens also like their abandon warehouses." Barry said as Kara giggled, James who was in the Cortex and secret feelings for Kara scowled at Barry seeing him and Kara together.

"Something wrong?" Kara asked not missing James scowl

"No." James bluntly as she nodded and leaned her head on Barry's chest while smiling

"We should have a Team A and a Team B, team A will engage the Dominaters directly while Team B while discretly infiltrate the warehouse and gather everthing they can on what they're planning or possibly take some of their tech." J'onn suggested to everyone

"One question, who's Team A and who's Team B?" Iris asked

"Thea, Sara, Alex, John, Rene, Dinah and I will be Team B, we have the most tactical training and me, Thea and Sara were trained by the league, we can infiltrate." Oliver said as Team B nodded and left to go suit up

"I guess the rest of us will fight the Dominaters." Kara sighed as Barry rubbed her arm

"Kara can i talk to you for a second?" James asked trying to hide his emotion

"Sure." Kara said as she kissed Barry's cheek and left. Once they were out of earshot James spoke up

"What happened between you and Barry, one minute he's dead, the next you two are dating?" James asked failing to hide his jealousy

"A while ago i found out Barry was married to my doppelganger, and then a guy named The Moniter merged me and Barry's wife together and here we are." Kara said happily

"So you killed Barry's wife and stole her husband and kids?" James asked a bit confused

"No, it was consensual, she wanted to do it." Kara said a bit tearily that one of her closest friends just said that. James was about to speak up until Barry came in

"Hey, Oliver said we should suit up." Barry said as James pushed past him and seeing Kara wipe her eye, "You okay." He asked as he walked over 

"Do you think that i killed your wife and stole her life?" Kara asked as she sobbed into her hands

"No, no, not at all, she chose to do what she did, and we have to live with that. You didn't kill her, you understand me, you didn't kill her." Barry said as Kara cried into his chest and he rubbed her back and stroked her hair

"I love you Kara, not because of your doppelganger, but because you're.....well you." Barry said as she sniffled

"I love you too Barry." Kara said as she cracked a smile

"There it is, the smile that can light up anyones day, especially mine." Barry said kissing her forehead as she blushed slightly. Barry chuckeld and lifted her chin and gave her a passionate kiss that lasted longer then expect, until Alex came in and ruined it

"Hey what's take-" Alex saw her little sister making out with the speedster, "Oh my god, not here." Alex yelled as she walked away leaving them alone

"We should go suit up, shouldn't we?" Kara chuckled as Barry nodded, they left hand in hand ready to face the threat.

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