Double Trouble

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Kara was now two months into her pregnancy and today Kara and Barry were going to find out the gender of their child, Barry had always wanted a child, more specifically a daughter. While on the other hand Kara wanted a son. Either way Kara and Barry would love their child no matter what and had to mentally prepare themselves for the nightmare that is raising a speedster.

"Kara are you excited?" Barry asked seeing as how Kara was practically glowing with exitcement

"Is that even a question?" Kara asked happily

"Mr Allen and Mrs Danver-Allen?" The nurse asked as Kara instantly shot up from her chair and went to run over to the nurse but Barry held her back, because he knew that whenever Kara got too excited she got herself hurt, take the lake day for example.

"Someone's excited." The nurse chuckled as Kara smiled and nodded

"Right this way." The nurse said as Kara and Barry followed her into a room. 

Kara laid down on the bed as the doctor sat beside her and Barry sat on the other side of her and held her hand.

"I'm just gonna apply this cream to your stomach so we can see the baby." The doctor said as he applied some cream to Kara's stomach then began the scan.

"So...." Kara asked anxiously

"Congratulations it's a girl!" The doctor said smiling as Barry and Kara both smiled in excitement

"We're having a girl!!" Barry exclaimed happily kissing Kara's temple

"Wait hold on..." The doctor said looking closer at the screen

"What, what's wrong?" Barry asked sitting back next to Kara

"Well there appears to be more then one heartbeat, you're have twins." The doctor said

"I'll go print the scans" The doctor said before standing up and leaving Kara and Barry alone

"Kara?" Barry asked seeing as how she hadn't said anything yet. He was getting worried until a wide smile grew across her face and tears came to her eyes

"We're having twins." Kara squeeled bring Barry into a tight hug, a hug that rivalled that of Supergirl's

"I can't wait to meet you, Grant and Melissa." Barry said kissing Kara's stomach

"You're gonna be such a good Dad." Kara said smiling at Barry

"You're gonna be an even better mother." Barry said kissing the back of her hand as she blushed, she would never not blush when Barry complimented her, which was stupid since Barry calls her beautiful everyday and they've been married for nearly three months.

"Awwww, you're blushing." Barry teased making Kara smile

"You know i hate it when you make me blush in public." Kara said

"It's hard to not compliment my beautiful wifeeee." Barry said innocently

"Here are the scans, enjoy the rest of your day." The docotr said walking back into the room and handing Barry the photos of their twins, looking at them made Barry's heart melt and he couldn't wait until he could hold them in his arms, to hear their first words, to watch them walk, to watch them run

"Barry can i see them?" Kara asked as Barry nodded handing Kara the scans.

"I can already tell they gonna have your eyes." Kara said smiling

"It's a black and white photo." Barry chukled helping Kara out of the bed

"I know, but little Grant is going to have daddy's eyes." Kara cooed pinching Barry's cheek

"And little Melissa is going to have her mother's beauty." Barry said kissing her temple as they left the doctors office.

Barry and Kar returned home and plopped on the couch, wanting to tell Eliza and Joe but wanting to cuddle on the couch while watching a movie more. During the movie Kara just stared at Barry never wanting to let go of him, always wanting to be in his arms where she felt most at home.

"You're gonna miss the movie." Barry joked kissing Kara's nose

"I don't care." Kara smiled at Barry leaning her chin on his shoulder while still looking at him. Barry chuckled and pulled Kara onto his lap leaning her head on his chest while his hands were on her belly

"I love you." Barry whispered in her ear as shock ran down her spine

"I love you more." Kara said closing her eyes and drifting to sleep in the arms of her husband.

Barry smiled at his wife who was on his lap sleeping peacfully, but his serenity was disturbed by a police siren. Barry looked at his wife one more time before looking at the golden flash ring on the coffee table in front of him. He had contimplated speeding around and being The Flash and he weighed the pros and cons of going back out as The Flash, but his mental debate was interuppted by Kara mumbling in her sleep

"Barr, i wanna cuddle for five more minutes." Kara mumbled in her sleep. Barry chuckled before opting to ignore the call of a hero and instead fell asleep with Kara in his arms, not bothering to carry them to the bed and not wanting to disturb Kara's dream.

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