Sooner Then expected

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A few days passed since Barry's trip the the future, and every second since then Barry's been by Kara's side, he never wants her to feel like he doesn't love her or is having second thoughts about this relationship. What Barry heard from Grant and Melissa shook him to his core, him not being there for Kara,for 16 years. He knows that whatever comes his way during the Crisis is not going to be worse than leaving his family.

"Melly, Grant can you wake up your father?" Kara asked as Melissa nodded excitedly and ran to his and Kara's room. She ran in and jumped on the spot next to him.

"Daddy, mom wants you." Melissa said shaking him awake

"Morning." Barry said as he blinked his eyes open

"Dad, it's nearly 12 in the afternoon." Grant chuckled walking over and sitting next to his siter

"What?!" Barry said jolting out of bed and into clothes, "Why didn't you wake me eariler?" He said as Grant sighed and Melissa giggled

"Because mom said you've been working overtime on husband duties." Grant said smiling

"Well when we went to the future i could see the sadness in your mother's eyes when i said i had to leave......i never want her to feel like that ever again." Barry said as Melissa sped up and hugged him tightly

"I know, just try and take care of youself." Melissa said loking up at him

"Of course Melly." Barry chuckled kissing the top of her head as they walked into the kitchen

"Dad, i'm nearly 17, can we stop with that nickname." Melissa sighed causing Kara and Grant to start laughing

"No." Barry said smiling, "You'll always be my little girl." He said smiling as Kara walked over and hugged Barry's side

"Good afternoon." Kara teased as Barry chuckled

"Not my fault." Barry said smiling and giving her a quick but passionate kiss

"Why have you been working overtime as my husband?, you don't need too, you're fine just the way you are." Kara asked concerned.

"Because i want my wife to feel like she's loved and like she's not alone." He said kissing the tip of her nose

"Barr......i always feel loved around you, you don't need to show it." Kara smiled wamrly

"Sometimes actions speak louder than words." Barry said as Kara wrapped her arms around his neck, "I love you." He finished as she smiled widely. It's been three months since the Karas merged and Kara still hasn't been able to get used to Barry telling her he loves her or waking up in the same bed as him, but she loves every second of it.

"They're so in love." Grant shivered as Melissa smiled slightly and frowned a bit, "What?" He asked seeing his cheery little sister so gloomy

"I miss Chris." She sighed sadly , "Whatever it's stupid." She said standing up as Grant pulled her back down

"I miss LA as well, but if you're ever sad or if you ever want to talk about it, i'm right here." Grant said smiling as Melissa smiled and nodded

"Thanks Grant." She said smiling

"Anything for my little sister." He teased as she slapped his arm

"You're only older than me by a few seconds." She pouted

"Older, being the key word." He teased further making her more aggitated

"You can't say something nice then immediatly start teasing me." Melissa exclaimed as Grant laughed

"Grant, stop teasing your sister." Kara giggled reseting her hand on Barry's chest

"You mean my younger sister." Grant added causing Barry to chuckled a bit. Kara saw this and slapped Barry's arm in return

"You can't laugh at our dautgher's expence." She said giggling slightly as Barry rubbed his arm in pain.

"Watch the super strength." He said as Kara smiled innocently

"Sorry babe." She smiled as she pecked his cheek

It all appeared fine, it appeared that Grant and Melissa's time travelling didn't affect the timeline in any sort of way, but fate had different plans. The Moniter teleported into the apartment bearing news.

"Who's that?" Melissa asked getting into a fighting stance with her brother as Kara held their shoulder

"That's The Moniter." Kara whispered as Melissa and Grant dropped their guards

"Why are you here?" Barry asked as The Moniter kept his still face

"I come bearing good and bad news about The Crisis." He said as they listened in, "The good news is that i've used the Book of Destiny to look into the future and i can't say for sure, but there are no casulities amongst the heroes." He said as The Allen family smiled and internally celebrated, "But where there is a good change these is a bad change........The Crisis is coming sooner than expected." He added as the family's smiles dropped.

"So......The Crisis is this year?" Grant asked sadly as The Moniter nodded

"Yes, i'm sorry for being to one to tell you." He said before teleporting out of the apartment as Barry smiled widely

"At least none of us are dying." Barry smiled as his family looked at him

"Barr, we just found out that the Multiverse might end this year.......and you're happy?" She questioned with her eyebrow raised, but she loved his positivity, his ability to find the light in everything and everyone.

"But, i get to see our children grow up, i get to see their firsts and i get to be your husband for the rest of my life." He smiled as Grant and Melissa hugged him tightly

"He said he isn't 100% sure though." Kara said worriedly as Barry's warm and gentle smiled washed her worries away, like it's done everytime she sees it.

"That's good enough for me." He said as he hugged her and held her close.

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