Visiting Roots (Part 1)

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Even though The Moniter said there would be no hero casulities Kara was still worried sick, what if something changes, what if she dies, what if Barry dies, what if the twins die. All these questions were running rampant through her mind. But the only thing she needed to focus on was her family.

"Mom, how do you get babies to stop crying?" Grant asked holding baby Melissa in his arms

"Do it properly." Melissa joked holding a peaceful baby Grant in her arms

"I can drop you." Grant said laughing as Melissa stopped laughing

"I swea-" Melissa was thankful cut off by Kara taking both baby twins into her arms.

"No swearing in this household." Kara said as the twins nodded

"Sorry mom." They said sheepishly. From personal experience they know not to mess with their mom's rules.

"Kara honey." Barry chuckled wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, "They're teenagers, somethings you can't control." He said kissing her cheek making her smile widely, "And i was thinking maybe we can visit Eliza and Alex back on Earth-38." He said resting his chin on her shoulder

"That's an awesome idea, i miss them." Kara said excitedly kissing Barry's cheek, "Oh did you two grow up with Earth-38 Eliza and Alex or Earth-10 Eliza and Alex?" Kara asked the twins as they shared a look

"After dad died, you stayed on this Earth and we barely went to Earth-38, so yeah, we grew up with Earth-10 Auntie Alex and Grandma Eliza." Grant said as Kara looked down sadly

"I'm sorry, but that's going to change, you two are going to meet my Eliza and Alex." Kara said smiling as Melissa and Grant nodded

"And then maybe we can visit Grandpa Joe?" Melissa asked, "He always used to visit to check on us and mom, and he would always tell us stories about dad." She said reminicsing on her favourite memories

"That's good to hear." Barry chuckled taking baby Grant into his arms as Melissa and Grant went off to a pack a bag, "Joe has always wanted to be a grandparent and from the sound of it he was a good one." Barry said kissing Kara's temple

"I'm sorry i'm such a bad parent in the future." Kara frowned

"Don't be so hard on yourself, it's me who should be apologising, and Grant and Melissa love you, so you're not a bad parent Kara, you hear me?" Barry asked as she smiled slightly

"Thank you Barry." Kara smiled pecking his cheek, "I love you." She said resting her head on his shoulder

"I love you too." He said kissing the top of her head

"Can we go now?" Melissa asked excitedly

"Yup." Kara smiled sharing her daughter's excitement. Kara opened a breach back to Earth-38 and walked through with her two or four children.

"Is this Midvale?" Grant asked looking around confused as Kara nodded happily

"Yep." Barry chuckled as Melissa ran to the front door and knocked, a few seconds later the door opened and they saw Elia standing there with a smile on her face

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Eliza asked confused

"Hi Grandma Eliza." Melissa said happily, not caring that Eliza didn't know who she was yet.

"Kara?" Eliza asked confused as MElissa held on tightly

"That is Melissa......from the future." Kara said with a wide smile on her face, "And this is Grant also from the future." She said as Grant joined the hug

"Future......?" Eliza asked confused, but happy

"Yup, we're speedsters like dad, and we time travelled from 17 years in the future back here to save him from dying." Melissa smiled as she let go of Eliza

"That's.....wonderful, Kara you have quite the special family." Eliza chuckled as she smiled and nodded

"Yeah, all thanks to my husband." Kara said leaning her head on his shoulder

"Come in, we have a lot to catch up on." Eliza said opening the door wider

Grant and Melissa were the first ones in seeing as they were meeting their 'grandmother' for the first time, and they were excited to see where their mom grew up.

"Grant, look mom had brown hair." Melissa giggled as Grant took his phone out only for it to be snatched out of his hand

"What do you think you're doing mister?" Kara asked with her eye brow raised as Grant smiled sheepishly

"Uhhh nothing mom, and by the way i love your new hair." He said trying to stand up as Kara and Melissa burst into laughter

"Grant honey, i'm kidding, yes that is me with brown hair." Kara chuckled looking at the photo

"You looked very cute." Barry whispered in her ear making her blush

"Dad......." Melissa sighed rubbing her forehead

"So do you sweetie." Barry chuckled as Eliza came in the room

"So, Kara how have you been, i know you've always loved Barry, even before these two came along." Eliza said making Kara turned very red.

"We've been amazing." Barry said wrapping his arm around Kara's waist

"Yup." Melissa nodded smiling

Eliza and The Allen family caught up with eachother, laughing and telling stories about adventures, they left out the Crisis part because they didn't want to worry her.

"We certainly miss you here darling, and i know National City misses their superhero." Eliza said smiling

"I'll try and visit more often, but we've got a lot on our plate right now." Kara said trying not to delve to deep into questions that would lead to the topic of Crisis.

"Anyway, how have you been?" Barry asked seeing the discomfort the topic of Crisis was bringing her

"I'm doing good, thank you for asking." Eliza said smiling at Barry then to Grant and Melissa who were looking through an old photo album, "What about Grant and Melissa?"

"They're the best, they're so bright and loving, i love them so much." Kara said smiling at her children then to her husband, "But i love my husband just as much." She said leaning her head on his shoulder

"I'm glad you're happy, i can see the smile that hasn't left your face since you've arrived." Eliza chuckled 

"Yeah, and suprisingly they're good with babies, so whenever baby Melly or Grant start crying tennager Grant or Melly can help them.....this is getting confusing." Kara said tilting her head slightly

"Yeah kinda." Barry chuckled

"Anyways we better get going, we've got another Earth to visit." Kara said as Eliza nodded and hugged her and Barry one more time.

"Goodbye Kara, Barry." Eliza said as Grant and Melissa ran over

"Bye Grandma Eliza." They said in unison making Kara giggle slightly

"Bye darlings." She said waving as they left the house

"Can we visit Granda Joe now?" Melissa asked excitedly

"Yup." Barry said smiling as he opened a breach.

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