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Earth -1

It had been a year since the loss of The Flash and the death of Barry Allen. In the months passing his death no one was the same. Cisco left STAR Labs and got a job at CCPD as their tech consultant he made it his personal mission to save the city not as Vibe but as Cisco Ramon. For Barry. Caitlin was the lead bio-engineer for Mercury Labs and was working on a meta-human cure. For Barry. Iris resumed her position at CCPN but a month after Barry's death Iris had already moved on. Not for Barry but for herself. Joe continued his life as a detective for the CCPD but he never went upstairs to talk to the new CSI, everytime he did he would call Barry's name and expect Barry to reply, but he never did.

Earth -38

After Barry's funeral Kara, Alex, Winn and J'onn returned back to their Earth and it was evident that Kara was taking Barry's death much harder then anyone else expected and was infuriated that Iris had moved on so shortly after Barry's death. 

Kara blamed herself for Barry's death she kept trying to convice everyone she was fine, but in reality she was trying to convice herself. She kept thinking if she had been in touch with Barry more she could of saved him. On the outside it was assumed Kara was taking Barry's death so hard was because he was her first superhero friend, but in reality she had fallen in love with him ever since their encounter with Music Meister. But she knew she could never compete with Iris so she kept her feelings to herself and lived her life with Mon-el up until his departure from Earth.

"Kara, you have to get up eventually." Alex said as Kara groaned from her couch

"Yeah, eventually doesn't mean now." Kara said into her pillow

"Kara, Barry's death was last year you need to get over it, i can tell it's killing you." Alex said sitting down one the couch as Kara curled into a ball.

"I know, i just miss him so much." Kara said thinking about the Scarlett Speedster.

"Me too, Kara." Alex said rubbing Kara's leg as Kara teared up a bit

"Kara?" She asked as Kara looked at her older sister

"Yeah?" She replied tilting her head to she was making eye contact with her

"What's the real reason your taking Barry's death so hard?" Alex asked as Kara looked back out the window

"I don't know, he was my first superhero friend and he gave me great advice about being a superhero and maintaining my life as Kara Danvers as well as Supergirl." Kara said half-truthfully

"What was Barry's favourite colour?" Alex asked as Kara made a confused expression


"Just tell me" Alex said as Kara smiled a bit

"He always said that people assumed his favourite colour was red, but in reality he never had a favourite colour." Kara said smiling for the first time in a long time

"I knew it." Alez said smiling

"Knew what?"

"You liked Barry didn't you?" Alex asked as Kara's face went red

"No...........i loved him." She corrected as Alex nearly choked on her breath

"I'm so sorry, Kara." Alex said pulling Kara into a hug as Kara quietly sobbed in her shoulder

Earth -10 (Barry's new Earth)

"Morning beautiful." Barry said smiling and wrapping his arms around Kara from behind as she blushed

"Morning, babe." She said kissing his cheek

"What'cha making?" He asked resing his chin on her head

"Breakfast." She said smiling. Ever since she and Barry started dating Kara had been smiling 100x more and 1000x more happy.

"I love you." Kara said turing around and facing Barry

"I love you too." He said kissing her. They stood their in eachothers arms enjoying the sensation of eachother's lips until Barry smelt something burning

"Your bacon is burning." He said smiling against her lips as she quickly turned around

"Damn it." Kara said dropping her shoulders and frowning

"Sorry babe, i shouldn't of distracted you." He said as Kara kissed his cheek

"Your lips tasted way better then bacon anyway." She replied making Barry laugh

"Your adorable, you know that right." Barry said as Kara smiled

"And you are incredibly awesome." Kara replied as Barry kissed her one more time before headnig to the fridge for more bacon

"Especially in bed." Kara whispered to herself 

"You say something?" Barry asked as Kara looked at him


"Oh okay" He said walking over with more bacon

The two made breakfast while talking and laughing with eachother and Barry calling Kara beautiful every five minutes.

"Barr, not that i don't appreciate the compliments but can you please dial them back a bit." Kara asked laughing

"Sorry, it's just who i am, and plus i love you way too much to stop complimenting you." Barry said smiling as Kara walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck.

 "You really are the best boyfriend in the world." Kara said smiling and staring deep into his eyes

"I try my best." He said giving her a kiss

"You're beautiful." Kara said looking at Barry as he laughed and rested his forehead against her chest

"Babe, you know that's my line." Barry said lifting his eyes to meet hers while still smiling

"What, can't a girl compliment her boyfriend?" Kara asked as Barry smiled at her.

"Thanks babe." Barry said giving her one more kiss

"Let's eat before our food get's cold." Kara said smiling and sitting down and eating her breakfast.

While they were eating and laughing Barry smiled and thought about the diamond ring he had in his pocket and how badly he wanted to propose right here and right now.

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