Just in Time

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Barry and the rest of the heroes all went back to the Cortex to celebrate a very well earned victory.

"I can't wait to see Grant and Melly again." Kara sighed with happiness leaning her head on Barry's shoulder

"Me too babe." Barry said kissing the top of her head.

Their party was interrupted by a bunch of armed men storming the Cortex.

"What's going on?" Sara asked as an old guy walked in like he owned the place

"Special Agent Smith, we're here for the uhh.....mop up of your little scandal with the Dominaters." He said flashing them a badge that nobody cared about, especially Mick

"You mean cover up?" Nate said

"Yes, now if you will come quietly." He said as the armed men raised their guns. Barry sighed and ran around the room and disarmed everyone dropping the guns off at the CCPD

"Come where?" Barry asked sarcastically as the heroes backed him up, never interrupt a bunch of heroes who just risked their lives for thousands of people

"I'd leave if i were you, you may have more people, but do any of you have super powers?" Kara pointed out as the men backed up slowly

"That's it, the exits that way." Cisco said as the men and Agent Smith left. Once they left the heroes returned to their party as if nothing had happened.

"The nerve of some people." Kara huffed drinking her club soda, "He can't just come in here like he owns the place and look down on us right after we saved this city." She said making Barry chuckled

"Calm down babe, it's fine, we're not heroes for the glory." He said kissing her head

"I know, but you nearly died like three times, and for them to just cover it up like that really pisses me off." She said as Barry stood in front of her and held her shoulders.

"I. Am. Alive, and so are you, the battle is over and we get to go home to our children." Barry said as she nodded and fiddled with her glasses

"I love you so much Barry." Kara smiled

"I love you more." He replied as they shared a kiss

"Can we go home now?" Kara asked as Barry nodded, they looped their arms together and breached to Earth-38 to get their kids.


Barry and Kara returned back to Earth-10 having just picked up their children from a very happy Eliza, whom spent the whole day with her grandchildren.

"I'm so tired." Kara sighed falling onto their bed still in her supersuit

"Babe, you're still in your suit." Barry chuckled putting Grant and Melissa in a crib

"Can you change me?" She asked as Barry's face went red, "Don't act like you haven't seen me naked before." Kara laughed 

"Fine." Barry chuckled speeding around her and changing her into proper clothes

"Thanks Barr, love you." Kara said hugging onto his waist as he kissed her forehead

"Love you too"

Barry and Kara both fell asleep in eachothers arms not wanting to be anywhere else.

Barry kept thinking about his dream he had while he was unconscience, he saw his mom, his dad and his late wife, and they all seemed happy. Although Barry loved Kara, he was sad that Earth-10 Kara wouldn't be able to see her children grow up into the heroes she knew they would be.

Kara held onto Barry like there was no tomorrow, she nearly lost him three times during that fight after being married to him for a few days, and those two days she spent at Barry's side as he laid there unconscience and hooked up to a machine were some of the worst days of her life.

They awoke from their blissful slumber still wrapped in eachothers arms and curled against one another.

"Morning." Kara mumbled burying her face into his chest

"Morning babe." Barry said kissing the top of her head

"Now, that our Dominater problem is solved, can we have a family day out?" Kara asked using her puppy dog look. She didn't need to as Barry smiled and nodded.

"Of course." He said kissing her forehead.

Her face lit up as she jolted out of bed to spend time with her children, until a blue swirly portal opened in their apartment

"Barry!!" Kara called as Barry sped in to see the portal

"What is that?" He asked reaching for it as Kara slapped his hand away

"Don't touch it." She said with anger and love in her voice.

Soon two teenagers around 16 or so hopped through the portal.

"Where are we?" The girl asked as the boy helped her up

"I think we did it." He said excitedly as they looked around and their eyes met with Kara and Barry's

"Who are you?" Barry asked as they smiled sheepishly

"Hey Dad." The girl and boy waved

"Grant....Melly?" Barry asked as they waved sheepishly

"Dad......you've been calling me that for as long as i've known you." Melissa chuckled as Barry and Kara were still trying to wrap their heads around what was happening

"Wha-why are you here?" Barry asked as they shared and look and nodded

"Can't tell you, we don't wanna ruin the future." Grant said as he walked over to the fridge

"Grant stop" Melissa said throwing a pillow at him


"Stop raiding the fridge." Melissa sighed

Barry and Kara stood there in awe and shock as their children were in the other room and could barely talk, and now they were right in front of them, as teenagers.

A Second Chance - SuperflashOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora