The Merge

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Kara was so happy that Barry was alive but was upset that she herself couldn't be with him, well at least one version of her did. She tried to date to get her mind off Barry and the life that she could of had but instead every man she tried to date just reminded her of Barry eventually she just gave up and settled as Supergirl instead of Kara Danvers. Until she got a suprise visitor.

"Kara?" Kara asked as her Earth-10 doppelganger smiled at her.

"What are you doing here?" Kara asked bringing her into a hug

"The mirror broke in our house." Kara D-A (Danvers-Allen) joked

"No but seriously." Kara said 

"Well i assume a funny looking guy with a weird beard visited you and told you about a certain crisis?" Kara D-A asked as Kara nodded

"Yeah......why? Did he visit you and Barry as well?" Kara asked

"Yeah, and Barry doesn't seem to care but i can't stop thinking about it, and i was wondering if you wanted to be Grant and Melissa's godmother and Barry's god........wife? if i died." Kara D-A asked as Kara nearly choked on her water

"WHAT?!" Kara yelled nearly breaking her cup

"Look i understand that this is a lot to ask, but i needed to ask." Kara D-A said as Kara regained her compsure

"This is your family we're talking about." Kara said as Kara D-A nodded

"Yes they are and that's exactly why am i asking you if you can be there for them if i can't" Kara D-A exlpained as Kara sighed and rubbed her temple

"Can i think about it?"

"Sure, i just hope you say yes, because i know you love Barry just as much as i do." Kara D-A said waving and re-opening a breach and walking through.


"Morning Barry." Kara said walking into the kitchen

"Morning Kara." Barry smiled as Kara kissed his cheek and leaned on his shoulder. Kara meant every word she said to her doppelganger, she did truely love her family, maybe a little too much and it killed her thinking about her family without her in it, that's why she asked Kara for that favour.

"What's on your mind?" Barry asked pulling her into his side and kissing her temple

"I'm scared." Kara admitted looking down and fiddling with her ring

"Why?" Barry asked turing hos full attetion to her.

"This crisis sounds serious and can't help but think what will happen if i die or worse if you die or what if we don't get to see our children's firsts? Kara admitted terrified of what the future may hold.

"Kara, look at me." Barry said grabbing her shoulders

"Neither of us will die and we'll get to see all of Grant and Melissa's firsts, their first words, their first steps, their first run, we'll be there, okay?" Barry said as Kara nodded and smiled greatfully at her husband.

"Thank you Barry, i needed that." Kara said kissing his hand

"Now let's finish breakfast, can you get Melly and Grant?" Barry asked as Kara smiled and nodded.

"Of course." Kara said kissing his cheek on more time berfore scurrying off.

Back to Earth-38

Kara was in an internal conflict with herself, how could she just take someone's family like that, even if it was her doppelganger's it family it felt wrong, but being with Barry and having kids would be like a dream come true for her, but what would Barry think?

"Whyyyyyyy does this have to be so hard." Kara complained resting her head in her hands

"It doesn't have to be this hard" The Moniter said appearing out of thin air

"Why are you here?" Kara asked not bothering to move from the couch

"Because i have a proposition." The Moniter said waving his hand and making Earth-10 Kara appear

"Hi Mr. Funny Beard." Kara D-A waved sititing next to her doppelganger on the couch

"I understand the choice you are being faced with Ms, Zor-EL and i believe i have a solution." The Moniter said

"All ears here." Kara D-A said

"What if i merge you two together to form one?" The Moniter said 

"How would that work?" Kara asked

"Kara Zor-El would win the process and be in contorl because of her superior physical and mental attributes, but Kara you would have all of Mrs. Danvers-Allen's memories and feelings." The Moniter explained

"Can you bring Barry here?" Kara D-A asked as The Moniter nodded and teleported Barry into Kara's apartment

"Where the hell am- Kara's?" Barry asked as they smiled and waved at him

"And The Moniter, oh boy." Barry sighed walking over to the couch and sitting down

"Why am i here?" Barry asked breaking the silence

"How do i exlpain this." Kara D-A said nervously

"Hey, you can take your time, i'm not going anywhere." Barry said smiling warmly at her and grabbing her hands

"The Moniter wants to merge me and Kara together into one person,  she would be in control of the new body and the new body would have all of her powers and both of our memories and our feelings." Kara D-A explained as Barry sat there in silence

"S-So you would be dying then?" Barry finally spoke up on the verge of tears

"Not really, Kara would have all of my memories and we are practically identical so i'm not really dead if you think about it." Kara D-A said rubbing Barry's hands

"I can't lose you Kara, i just can't." Barry said crying

"You wouldn't be losnig me Barry, as long as you wear that ring and keep being the hero i know you are i'll always be with you and be with our children." Kara said hugging him tightly as he sobbed into her shoulder

"Can i have some time to think?" Barry asked standing up

"Of course honey." Kara D-A said as Barry smiled greatfully at her and sped away, The Moniter saw this was a choice for the three of them to make and teleported away.

"What do you think about it?" Kara asked as Kara D-A shrugged her shoulders

"I'm not really sure to be completely honest, i'm mean what will happen to me? Will i become a voice in your head or will i just see nothing?" Kara D-A aksed fiddling with her ring

"You don't have to do this you know?" Kara said as Barry sped back in and hugged his wife tightly

"This isn't my choice to make, Kara this is up to you and i'll support you through it, in sickness and in health and just know if you do it, you meant everything to me and i'll always love you no matter where you are." Barry said releasing her from the tight hug.

"This is a lot of pressure, but regardless i love you Barry, you changed my life so much and i can't actually express my love for you in words." Kara D-A said. Kara was standing by watching wishing she could have a relationship like this, is that selfish?

"I know and i wish i could make this choice for you, but this needs to come from you." Barry said as Kara D-A nodded

"I've made my choice." Kara D-A said, she sounded like she couldn't be more sure of herself.

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