Lost Hope

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The heroes arrived in the vanishing point. A place filled with floating debris and the remnants of the time masters equipment.

"Wait so our Earth is just gone?" Sara asked as The Moniter nodded sadly

''I'm afraid so, and along with it goes our other three paragons." The Moniter said as the heroes looked down in shame and sadness

"What do we do know?" John asked

"We fight." Oliver said raising his head back up, "We may of lost our Earth but we haven't lost our spirits or lives, those are the only things we need to fight." He said as his team looked to their leader

"What do we do about the missing three paragons?" Kara asked. The Book of Destiny appeared in The Moniter's hands, he began to read through it and once he was finished it he looked back up at the heroes.

"It chose two new ones, The Paragon of Truth is Kal-El." The Moniter said as Kara smiled and looked around for her cousin whom she barely noticed was here.

"Me?" Clark asked confused as Kara ran up to him and hugged him

"I'm so glad you're alive, i didn't see you and i was kinda busy fighting off shadow demons to looked for you." Kara chuckled as Clark smiled

"I"m always here cous, and i can't help by notice that Supergirl and Kara Danvers have disappeared recently?" He asked with his arm corssed

"Yes that is because i moved to Earth-10 to live with my family." Kara smiled as Caitlin came over holding a crying Grant and Melissa

"I think they miss mommy." Caitlin smiled handing the children over to Kara

"Thanks for looking after them Cait." Kara smiled bobbing them in her arms as Clark stared at her in disbelief, "Long story." She smiled sheepishly

"The Paragon of Honor, is J'onn J'onzz." The Moniter continued

"Way to go J'onn." Kara smiled as he smiled back at her

"The Paragon of Courage, is the same." The Moniter said, "He is located on an Earth that is very close to being wiped out, i predict it'll be destroyed in two hours. The collapse of Earth-1 has caused a ripple affect through out the multiverse and now that this multiverse lost it's main Earth there is not going back now." The Moniter finished

"I'll go, i know who you're talking about and we have a complicated history." Clark said nodding

"You know who it is?" Cisco asked as Clark smiled slightly and nodded

"Yeah, Bruce Wayne, better known as Batman and i figured out the other two as well, an island shrouded in mystery is Themyscria and the ocean of myth is Atlantis." Clark said casually causing to Cisco nearly faint.

"You're telling me both of those places were real right after our Earth got destoryed?" He asked dropping his shoulders.

"I'll come with you Clark i know you and Bruce have had your fair share of differences." Kara said as Clark nodded

"Be careful mom, please." Melissa said hugging her tightly

"I will sweetie." Kara whispered kissing the top of her daughter's head

"Bye mom, be safe." Grant smiled hugging her as well as Melissa pulled away and clung to her dad's arm

"Grant please take care of your sister." Kara asked as he nodded

"Bye Barr, i'll see you soon." Kara smiled hugging Barry

"Kara come back in one piece okay?" He asked as she nodded and kissed him warmly

"I love you Barr." Kara said handing him baby Grant and Melissa

"I love you too Kara." With that said Cisco made a breach to one of the few remaining Earths and Kara and Clark walked through and Kara knew she would have to do a lot of explaining to her cousin, who would have a lot of questions.

"Dad is mom going to be a okay?" Melissa asked worriedly

"She will sweetie, you need to have faith in your mother." Barry said as Melissa sniffled and nodded

"It's going to be okay Melly." Grant whispered as she nodded and leaned her head on his shoulder

"I miss Chris." She whispered sadly

"Me too Mel, i miss LA, but when this is all over and we save dad from dying we can go back and you can finally tell Chris that you love him." Grant said as she smiled slightly.

"Cisco can you look after the twins i need to do something." Barry asked as Cisco nodded slightly

"I like spending time with niece and nephew but i think both baby and teenage twins need their father right now seeing as their mother isn't here." Cisco said as Barry shook his head

"I need to check The Speedforce i need to see if i can time travel or something." Barry sighed bobbing Melissa and Grant

"That sounds like a ad idea, we're trapped here might as well not involve the time wraiths or The Black racer either." Cisco shuddered

"Cisco if there is a way out of here i need to take it now." Barry said as Cisco sighed and ran his hand through his hair

"Okay fine." Cisco said taking Grant and Melissa into his arms.

"Thank you Cisco." Barry said walking back over to his teenage kids, "Hey, how you holding up?" He asked as Melissa nodded slightly and wiped away a tear

"We're doing okay dad thank you." Grant smiled and Barry kneeled in front of them

"I'm going to The Speedforce to see if there's a way out of here, so while i'm gone look after each other." Barry said standing up as Melissa hugged him tightly

"Dad this might be how you die." Grant said worriedly

"I'm not dying kiddo, i promise." Barry chuckled as Melissa held as tightly as her arms would allow her, "I love you both so much." He smiled tearily taking Grant into a hug as well. He let go and looked at his kids one more time before speeding off into the unknown. He ran at light speeds before a blue portal opened up and ran straight through it.

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