Secrets Revealed

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Ever since Cisco discovered Barry was alive he was a lot happier and felt like going back to visit him, but he was also having a really hard time keeping this seret since he had gotten Team Flash back together that consisted of Wally, Caitlin, Iris and himself and occassionally Joe and Cecile

"Hey, have you guys noticed Cisco's been acting weird these past few weeks?" Caitlin asked

"Weird-er than normal?" Joe asked with his eyerbrow raised

"I think he's hiding something." Caitlin said 

"I'm sure if he's hiding something it's for a very good reason." Iris said as Caitlin subtlety rolled her eyes. Not everyone had completely wamred up to the fact that Iris was team leader and that she had started to date another guy just one moth after Barry sacrificed himself for her. Which is ironic since Barry had done the exact same thing.

"I miss you Barry." Caitlin whispered looking at the manniquin that used to display his flash suit

"Hey Caitlin."" Cisco said walking into the cortex eating a lolliepop

"Where do you keep hiding those?" Caitlin whined looking at Cisco's lolliepop

"A magician never reveals his secrets." Cisco said proudly

"So, anyway how you doing?" Caitlin asked suspisously

"Good, great actually." Cisco said smiling. Caitlin was glad that her bestfriend wasn't so gloomy all the time, but seeing him go from gloomy to happy within a matter of weeks was unsual to Caitlin.

"Okay......" Caitlin said suspious of Cisco as he chucked nervously and hastily left the room

Kara woke up and smiled widely when she saw the ring on her bedside table, and she knew she wasn't dreaming, he actually did, he finally proposed to her. 

"Morning gorgeous." Barry said kissing her head as she smiled and blushed slightly at him. Even though they had been dating for a while now and were getting married next month Kara still blushed when Barry complimented her.

"Morning Barr." Kara said hugging his waist tighty. Barry said smiled at her before one of his friend's faces flashed in his head and his words rung in his head

'You should tell her man.' Cisco saidlooking at Kara as Barry shook his head

'No, she wouldn't even believe me anyway.'

'Won't know until you try.' Cisco said 

'What am i supposed to tell her, Hey Kara i know we're getting married soon but i need to tell you that i'm from another universe and oh that i'm technically dead' Barry said as Cisco shook his head

'If you love her, you'll tell her' Cisco said looking at the conflict in Barry's eyes

"Sorry, was that too tight?" Kara asked concerned

"Not tight enough." Barry said as he kissed the bridge of her nose

"Then why are you frowning." Kara asked 

"I'm fine i promise you Kara." Barry said rubbing his head on her cheek

"No you're not" Kara said crossing her arms

"When have i ever lied to you?" Barry said trying to smile

"You're lying to me right now." Kara said fiddling with her ring

"Do you regret it?" Kara asked sadly looking at her ring

"Why would you ever think that i would regret putting a ring on the most beautiful woman in the world." Barry said kissing her temple

"Then why do you keep lying to me?" Kara asked wiping her tears

"You wouldn't believe me even if i told you." Barry sighed as Kara slapped his arm

"Barry, we promised no secrets and plus we're getting married, so unless you regret putting this ring on my finger, or you just don't trust me, you're gonna tell me why you've been so upset recently." Kara exclaimed as stood up Barry put his head in his hands

"I should of told you" Barry said a little bit above a whisper but Kara heard him

"Told me?" She asked curiously and sat on the bed as he sat next to her

"The truth, about me and my past." Barry sighed as Kara nodded.

"Have you ever heard of the multivere?" Barry asked as Kara nodded again a bit confused

Barry then procceded to tell Kara everything from his Mother's death, him being the Flash, Thawne, Zoom, Savitar, How he 'died', and finally the thing he had been dreading Iris.

"'re technically dead, from another universe and married to someone else." Kara asked with an emotion in her voice that Barry couldn't read. Barry wiped his tear and nodded

"Yeah, that's the truth about me, so if you want to leave through that door and never see me again i'll understand." Barry said sniffling. Once again a stupid decision he made cost him another person he loved.

"I thought you loved me?" Kara said crying

"I do, more than anything, it killed me to keep this from you, but i had too." Barry said looking at Kara with tears in his eyes

"I guess The Flash finds more ways to hurt me and the people i love." Barry said trying his best to chuckle but instead more tears came out.

"You know, i thought that this second chance was a blessing, but of course i screw it up again, maybe...." Barry said

"Maybe i should of died that night." Barry said looking down as Kara ran at him tackling him into a hug as she cried into his chest

"I'm not mad that you didn't tell me, i'm mad that you had to carry that burden all by yourself." Kara said crying at Barry

"I couldn't let you carry a burden that you shouldn't." Barry said as Kara placed both hands on his cheeks

"Barr, i love you more than anything in the world, no, multiverse." Kara said as he smiled slightly at her

"I always want to be there for you, and when you needed someone i wasn't there, and that pains me that i couldn't be there for you." Kara said has Barry placed his hands on her wrists

"I know, i shouldn't of kept my past from you, it's just The Flash has many good memories, but for every good memory theres two bad ones." Barry said

"I don't care, i'll marry you either way, i didn't agree to marry The Flash, i agreed to marry Barry Allen." Kara said Barry cried more

"Why, i kept this secret for so long, why are you still here, why are you forgiving me?!" Barry asked walking out of her grip. Kara walked over and hugged him tightly

"Isn't it obvious, it's because i love you stupid." Kara said as Barry continued

"You deserve someone who doesn't lie to you for eight months. You don't deserve someone like me, you deserve better" Barry said dropping his head

"And what about you? What do you deserve?" Kara asked

"I don't know." Barry whispered

"I'm never going to stop loving you and nothing is going to change that, ever. End. Of. Story, you got that?" Kara asked as Barry smiled greatfully at her

"I love you so much Kara, i can't put it to words how much i want to marry you." Barry said hugging her tightly

"You derserve happiness." Kara said smiling into his chest

"You make me the happiest man in the multiverse." Barry said smiling as he kissed the top of her head

A Second Chance - SuperflashOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora