Where it All Started

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Kara and Barry arrived safely on Earth-1, ready to tell Joe about his grandchild. 

"Hey Cisco." Barry said waving walking into the Cortex hand in hand with Kara

"Hey man." Cisco said spinning around in his chair

"Hey Kara, Hey Barry." Caitlin said walking out of the medbey

"Hi Caitlin." Kara waved happily

"What brings you two by?" Cisco asked as Kara and Barry shared a look and smiled

"I'm pregnant." Kara said as Caitlin smiled widely and gave her a hug

"Congratulations." Caitlin said hugging Kara then Barry

"Thanks Cait." Barry said as Cisco brought him into a hug as well

"I'm Unlce Cisco, right?" Cisco asked nervously

"Of course man." Barry smiled

"Are you guys here to tell Joe?" Caitlin asked as they nodded

"Don't wanna keep him waiting for much longer." Barry said as they waved to Cisco and Caitlin.

Barry was excited to tell Joe about Kara's pregnancy, he knew Joe always wanted grandkids and he was so sure that Barry and Iris would be the ones to provide that gift for him, but ever since Barry 'died' Iris hasn't been able to hold down a steady relationship, she rebounds from one person to the next. Although Iris was happy that Barry found someone else that made him happy and she was fine with Barry being married to Kara, but what bothered her the most was how she would never have what they had.

"Hey Kara? Can we make a quick stop before we go to Joe's?" Barry asked as Kara smiled and nodded

"Where to though?" She asked

"Where it all happened." Barry said thinking back to the ateful day of his death

Barry and Kara made their way to the infamous place where he and Savitar faced off. Infantino Street.

"Where are we?" Kara asked looking around

"This is where i died, the place where Savitar was supposed to kill Iris." Barry said taking a deep breath and observing his surroundings

"Why did you take us here?" Kara asked hugging Barry's side. The thought of Barry dying scared Kara to her core and it was that thought that made Kara question whether Barry should re-take the mantle of the Flash, and now she was even more scared now that they had a child on the way.

"I took us here because if i never died, i never would of met you, we never would of dated, we never would of gotten married and we never would of made this child and i just wanted you to know that this place is supposed to be filled with despair, but when i think of this place instead think about you." Barry said grabbing her hands

"It makes me think of how lucky i am to have someone like you in my life. Savitar was meant to break me, but instead he led me to the love of my life, which is you guessed it, you, Kara Danvers-Allen." Barry said smiling as she looked up at him smiling and tears sliding down her cheeks

"Those would of been great vows at our wedding." Kara chuckled as more tears slid down her face

"I know." Barry said laughing as Kara wrapped her arms around his neck

"I love you so much Barry, i'm supposed to hate Savitar because he killed you, but i can't because he is the reason we met, and the reason i get to wake up next to you, and the reason i get to wear this ring, the reason i get to call you my husband." Kara said as Barry took hold of her waist

"He's the reason i met you, and you're the reason i'm happy." Kara finished as Barry smiled and lifted her chin up and brought their lips together, their lips fit together like two puzzle pieces.

"That speech was better." Barry chuckled as Kara giggled

"Barr." Kara giggled harder as she rested her against his chest as he kissed the top of her head

"Kara, i'm serious, your speech was better." Barry said wrapping his arms around her waist

"It's not a competition." Kara giggled kissing Barry's chest

"I know, but still." He smiled as they unwrapped and walked towards Joe's house.

They made their way to Joe's house, in a comfortable silence not needig words, just needing eachother. Once they arrived Barry knocked on the door and saw Cecile standing there staring at him

"Aren't you su-supposed to be de-dead?" Cecile asked terrified and walking backwards

"Crap, Joe!!" Barry called as Joe came running down the stairs

"Oh, Cecile meet Barry my-"

"Foster son, the one that died." Cecile said in shock

"How do i explain this." Barry chuckled nervously

"Hi i'm Kara, his wife." Kara said extending her hand

"Not the best time." Barry whispered to Kara as she pouted

"But i like telling people i'm your wife." Kara said kissing his cheek. Barry chuckled at her and re-focused his attetion to the matter at hand

"Cecile, we need to talk." Joe said as she turned to face him

"That would be nice." Cecile said with sass as Barry and Kara entered the house and sat on the couch.

Kara, Joe and Barry began telling her about The Flash and about how Barry 'died' and all the confusing stuff about the multiverse, obviously Cecile didn't understand so Barry had to explain it three times before she grapsed the concept of what he was talking about.

"Ohhh, that still makes no sense." Cecile said nodding at Barry as he sighed as Joe and Kara laughed

"Enough about that, why are you here son?" Joe asked as Barry placed his ahdn over Kara's belly

"Kara's pregnant." That was all that needed to be said as Joe quickly wrapped them both in a hug

"Thank you." Joe said through his tears

"For?" Barry chuckled hugging him back

"For giving me what i've always wanted." joe said pulling from the hug and smiling at them

"No problem Joe." Kara said happily

"Oh but there will be." Cecile said as Kara looked at her

"Pregnancy is hard girl, especially when you give birth." Cecil said as the colour drained from Kara's face

"Does it really hurt that much?" Kara asked worried

"Trust me, you gonna be in for the time of your life." Cecile sarcastically said as Kara bit her lip nervously

"Don't worry Kara, i'll be right next to you." Barry said wrapping his arms around her

"Thanks Barr." Kara said hugging his arms

"Barry let's get one thing clear, i hate interdimensional travel, but if i'm not at the hospital when she gives birth, you and me are going to have some problems." Joe said making everyone laugh

"Sure thing Joe." Barry chuckled.

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