Letting Go

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[Name] stares at the white wall, hearing the heart monitor beat as she just blankly staring at the wall. Her burned arm is wrapped, the hole in her hand is treated, but the skin is scarred, and her feathers that were burned are slowly, slowly growing back in. Her head is wrapped too, slowly healing and her side from the large wounds are completely healed. Recovery Girl is the one who healed her, but the open wounds on her side and the hole in her hand needed most of Recovery Girl's attention and so she focused on healing that.

"It appears the principal offenders of the U.A. High training camp attack called themselves the League of Villains Vanguard Action Squad. For U.A. High, in both the USJ incident and the Hosu incident, the name 'League of Villains'--"

[Name] changed the channel, holding the remote in her hand.

"Among the victims of the training camp attack was the child of the pro heroes, Water Hose, who were killed by Muscular--"

She changed the channel again.

"We must conclude that there is some sort of problem with the management of U.A. High. Even if my child wanted to become a hero, I could not possibly enroll--"

[Name] turned off the TV, letting out a deep sigh. She figured that most of the channels that are the news channel will be talking about what happened at the training camp. She doesn't want to hear the news channels at all. She simply wants to be able to watch TV, but she doesn't want to forget about the guilt of not being able to save Bakugo. The doors to the hospital room she's in opens.

"[Last Name]!" Midnight exclaimed.

[Name] turns to the woman who called her name, seeing Midnight, Aizawa, and Present Mic walk into her room. [Name] doesn't smile at them, seeing them walk towards her as Midnight and Present Mic look at her in concern. She wasn't expecting to see them or even visit her since it's the next day after Bakugo had gotten kidnapped last night.

"Hey," [Name] said, her voice quiet. "Aizawa told me that you two were in a meeting."

Midnight nods her head and she glanced at Present Mic. "Yeah, it was kind of rough. The reporters were just blocking the entrance to U.A.. How have you've been doing?"

"I gave my statement to the police," [Name] stated, her eyes drifting over towards Aizawa. "Other than that, I should be fine within a week."

"What about your injuries?" Present Mic asked.

"I'm doing okay, I guess," [Name] said, shrugging her shoulders. "Recovery Girl could only heal me for a certain point. She'll come back either tomorrow or the next day to help heal my head. My wings won't be healed by her Quirk because they're not physically damaged; just burnt feathers. My arm is fine, I just have to apply ointment to it to and there shouldn't be a scar left, but my hand... there'll be a scar left and probably a few difficulties with that hand, but it should heal over the next few months and return to normal afterwards. My side is completely healed."

"That's good news," Aizawa stated.

"No, it's not," [Name] sighed, shaking her head. "I lost one of our students. I couldn't save Bakugo."

Aizawa narrowed his eyes slightly. "You were too injured, [Last Name]. You did save Awase and Yaoyorozu. Yes, you couldn't save Bakugo, but that's because your injuries hindered your ability to save him. You still did your job as a hero which you did protect two students and you made sure that Midoriya, Uraraka, Todoroki, Shoji, Tokoyami, and Aoyama made it back to the camp."


"Midnight, Mic, wait outside," Aizawa ordered, looking at the two. Midnight and Present Mic looked at him before they looked at [Name] and they listened, going outside the hospital room. Aizawa takes a seat in the chair that's beside [Name]. "[Last Name], I can clearly see that you pay attention to the students and care about them. There's no denying that. You've risked your life, twice, to protect them. You couldn't save Bakugo, but don't think that U.A. isn't prepared to get him back."

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