The Villains Are Here

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"Aw, we wanted our courage tested, too..." Ashido trailed off, letting out a whine.

"Didn't she say there was a carrot and a stick? Where's the carrot?" Kirishima asked.

"I'd even take salty licorice... give us a treat, Mr. Aizawa, Ms. [Last Name]..." Kaminari asked.

[Name] chuckles, walking alongside Aizawa as he's dragging the students behind him. Her and Aizawa glanced over their shoulders, seeing the sadden and pouting faces of the students that have to take the extra lessons.

"Salty licorice is delicious," Aizawa commented.

[Name] raised an eyebrow. "What? It's disgusting."

"At least Ms. [Last Name] is on our side about salty licorice," Kaminari said.

"For tonight's lesson, I will drill into you how to behave during an emergency," Aizawa said, entering the building as he loosens the scarves around the students. "If you don't become more self-aware that you're falling behind the others, then the difference between you will grow larger. In a broad sense, this is also a kind of 'treat.' Like a mint-flavored one."

"But mint tastes good..." Kirishima mumbled.

[Name] opens the door to the room, seeing one student from Vlad King's class. The teacher is also in the room as [Name] and Aizawa walk inside while the five in Class A stand at the door way. They're looking at the blonde kid with light grey eyes with a shocked look and [Name] thinks the blonde's name is Monoma.

"Oh, that's weird! Even though Class A is supposed to be better, there were five people who failed?" Monoma asked, laughing. "That's so weird!"

"Just how mentally strong are you?!"

The students go to take their seats while [Name] stands with Aizawa and Vlad King. She noticed that Kirishima and Ashido sit next to each other while Sato and Sero sits behind them, then Kaminari sits in the table next to Kirishima and Ashido. Monoma is still laughing and [Name] ponders how in the hell does he normally stop laughing.

"He said the same thing trying to provoke us yesterday," Kirishima commented, scowling at Monoma.

"I'd like to know what his mental state is," Ashido added.

"Vlad, I want to add some practice maneuvers this time," Aizawa said, looking at Vlad King.

Vlad King tilts his head, closing his eyes. "I was thinking about that, too. You don't have to tell me that--"

"Everyone!" Mandalay exclaimed, [Name] and everyone hearing the woman's voice in their heads.

Kirishima is looking up. "It's Mandalay Telepath."

"I like this. It makes me jump," Ashido added, a smile on her lips.

Kaminari looks at her. "It only works in one direction, though, so it's kind of annoying..."

[Name] glanced at the students. "Quiet, please."

[Name] knows that something must be wrong if Mandalay is using her Quirk. Something must be happening and [Name] glanced at Aizawa and Vlad King, Aizawa having a serious look in his eyes. [Name] looks down at the ground, waiting for the next part of what Mandalay is going to say.

"We're being attacked by two villains!" [Name]'s eyes narrow at the ground. "It's possible that there are more! Everyone who can move, get back to camp immediately! Even if you come across the enemy, retreat and do not engage!"

"Vlad, we're leaving this place to you-- [Last Name]!" Aizawa shouted, [Name] running towards the door.

"Huh? Why are villains here...? Wasn't this place supposed to be a secret?"

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