A Risky Night

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"With the connection between Hero Killer: Stain and the League of Villains, there is the possibility that the villains will be reinvigorated, huh?" Nezu questioned.

[Name] along with the other faculty staff are in the conference room. Her along with the faculty are staying late for the meeting to discuss the final exam for the students. She heard that last year, the students fought the faux villains, but times have changed especially with more villain activity and Class 1-A having to deal with villains too during the USJ incident as well as the Hero Killer.

[Name] is doing her best to not stare at All Might, seeing that this is her first time seeing him like that. He's not muscular when she usually sees him and she's promised to keep his secret about his normal, frail looking form since it seems like the other faculty is in secret about it too. She couldn't believe it though, although he's still the Symbol of Peace in her eyes despite his other form.

"Of course, it would be better to prevent that before it begins, but as a school, it would be best to be completely certain." Snipe said, looking to Nezu. "If we consider how fights against villains will continue to intensify in today's society, then combat training against robots is not practical. Originally, robots were used to avoid complaints about people being injured in the entrance exams."

"We can just ignore those," Aizawa stated, his arms crossed with his eyes focused on the papers in front of him. "Let them say what they want."

"We can't exactly do that now, can we?" Midnight asked, lifting her hand as she looks to him.

"I understand why you want to change the exam, but having the students fight us in teams of two..." Cementoss said, looking to Midnight at his side.

"Yes, I think that is a bit unfair," Thirteen voiced.

"If we win too easily, we won't be able to give them grades," Present Mic stated, rubbing his chin.

"Of course, we would take that into consideration and give the students a handicap," Snipe added.

Aizawa looks to Nezu. "Principal Nezu, what do you think?"

"Of course, I also agree with changing the practical exam," Nezu said, his arms crossed and leaned back into his chair. "What should we do to keep the students from being in even more danger? The answer is simple. We must have the students themselves become stronger."

"That's true," Midnight voiced.

"I have no objections," Thirteen added.

"Then, to determine the teams-- First, Todoroki. In general, he's doing well, but overall, he has a tendency to use brute force," Aizawa said, looking at the papers in his hands. "And Yaoyorozo is an all-rounder, but lacks the ability to make spur-of-the-moment decisions and apply them. Therefore, I will erase their Quirks and take advantage of their weaknesses in close combat."

"No objections!"

"Next, for Midoriya and Bakugo, I'm leaving them to you, All Might," Aizawa said, looking to All Might. "For these two, I didn't pair them up based on ability or grades. Just on how badly they get along. You like Midoriya, right? Please instruct them well."

[Name] doesn't say anything during the meeting, just staying quiet as she listens to Aizawa list off who the students are going to be fighting. [Name] also decided that she's not going to fight any of the students since she's only a teacher's assistant and she wouldn't want to make it unfair to any pair that's going to fight two teachers. It wouldn't be fair even with the handicap the teachers will have.

Aizawa determined that the first match is going to be Kirishima and Sato that will be fighting Cementoss. The second match is going to be Asui and Tokoyami that will be fighting Ectoplasm. The third match is Ojiro and Iida that will be fighting Power Loader. The fourth match will be Todoroki and Yaoyorozo and they're going to be fighting Aizawa. The fifth match is Uraraka and Aoyama that will be fighting Thirteen. The sixth match is Kaminari and Ashido that will be fighting Nezu and [Name] can only hope that they'll get close to passing. The seventh match is Jirou and Koda that will be fighting Present Mic. The eighth match will be Shoji and Hagakure that will be fighting Snipe. The nineth match is Mineta and Sero that will be fighting Midnight. The tenth match is Bakugo and Midoriya that will be fighting All Might. [Name] also hopes that those two will be near the passing grade.

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