Hero Killer

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[Name]'s eyes widen, the sight of the Nomu that looks much like the one from USJ except it doesn't have any eyes at all. There's another one that is of paleish color, like a blue or a yellow and it has wings. There's multiple pro heroes around the area and [Name] grits her teeth, knowing she'll have to be much smarter when fighting the black skinned Nomu since she could probably leave the flying Nomu to the other pro heroes.

[Name] lands, seeing the hero with horns on his head take a punch from the Nomu. She grits her teeth, Manual using his Quirk to put out the flames around them as the flying Nomu moves his wings to spread the fire. [Name] knows that she mustn't use her own wings unless she wants to add more power to the flames growing bigger.

"Wh-What's with that power?" The pro hero asked.

The Nomu grabs him and throws him and a car goes flying. [Name]'s eyes widen, seeing a pro hero on the ground as a car is thrown where he is and [Name] grits her teeth, flapping her wings once and she reaches the pro hero in time and she flies up. An explosion ringing out and she flies back down, the pro hero looking up at her in shock.


"Hey, what's the situation?"

"What are these monsters after?"

"I'll take on that Nomu!" [Name] announced, catching the pro heroes' attention that are in the area. "You guys focus on the fire and the flying Nomu!"


[Name] lands on the ground, hoping that she can hold off the black skinned Nomu and she holds her fists up. She keeps her wings close to her body, not wanting the Nomu to grab her wing and break it. She finally has a chance to prove to herself that she's strong enough and hopefully one of the top 10 heroes can come.

"Wait, aren't you off duty right now?" A random pro hero asked.

[Name] nods her head. "Being off duty or not, I'm still a hero."

[Name] charges at the Nomu, throwing her fist and she punched its side, the Nomu skidding a centimeter from its spot. She grits her teeth, knowing she can't possibly fly unless she wants to build the fire more. Which is what that flying Nomu is doing, but [Name] knows none of the pro heroes around here can't kill the Nomu or possibly stand a chance against it. Although, [Name] didn't really stand a chance against the other Nomu at USJ.

The Nomu goes to punch [Name] and she side steps, placing her hand on the creature's arm to redirect it's punch. She used her elbow to hit its face and she clenched her jaw, a numbing pain hitting [Name]'s elbow. The Nomu let out a loud noise and [Name] moves away from the Nomu before it could grab her completely. She puts her fists up, glaring at the Nomu in front of her.

"Mercy, shouldn't you go after that flying one!" A pro hero that [Name] doesn't recognize asked.

[Name] lets out a grunt, jumping up and she raised her leg above her, slamming it down on the Nomu's head. The creature simply grabs her leg and [Name] twisted her body, aiming a punch to the creature's head. That did nothing though and the Nomu threw [Name] towards the fire. A gasp escapes her lip and she spreads out her wings, flapping her wings quickly as she has her stomach fast the ground so the wind around her wings are towards the ground.

"Unless you want more fire!" [Name] yelled out, standing up. She brings her wings closer, keeping them tight shut on her back as she looks at the Nomu. "Just deal with that one!"

[Name] charges after the Nomu, jumping up and flipping over the creature. She placed her hands on the Nomu's shoulders, she slammed her fist into the exposed brain until the Nomu reached behind it and gripped [Name] by the back of her shirt. She tossed once more, but this time, it's not near the fire.

Blessed By An Angel [Hawks x Reader]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя