The Training Camp

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"By having Bakugo put both hands into boiling water too expand his sweat glands and creating explosions repeatedly to increase the scale of his attacks," [Name] said, taking notes.

She stands next to Aizawa, her eyes go over towards Bakugo. He's putting his hands into the water and then taking them out, having his palms face the sky. He sets off huge explosions, the blonde screaming and yelling as he repeats the process. [Name] had a little help with the planning of how the students are going to be developing their Quirks.

She looks towards Todoroki. "For Todoroki, he's alternating between ice and fire to make the temperature of the bathwater uniform. This is to get his body used to freezing and have him try controlling the temperature of his flames. Hopefully, he might be able to use both Quirks."

Todoroki sits in container of water, the boy is panting hard as he fills the area around him with ice and then melts all of it with fire. Aizawa had asked for what [Name] thinks about the developing of the students Quirks and see what her critical thinking process would be as she watches the students. She knows that if Todoroki uses too much if his ice, his body will freeze and vise versa for his fire side, but he'll just overheat.

"As for Sero," [Name] started, looking towards Sero and seeing the boy throw out massive amounts of tape. "Him producing tape continuously will have his training increase the capacity and improve his tape strength and maybe shooting speed."

Sero sits on top of a small rock hill, shooting out tape from his elbows and he's screaming. [Name] feels bad because she can hear the boy screaming out in pain, but he's enduring it which is good. She's well aware of the whole you gotta surpass your limits to grow because [Name] has surpassed her limits multiple times.

[Name] looks at Kirishima and Ojiro sparring. "For Kirishima and Ojiro, you're having them fight each other because Ojiro can use his tail to hit Kirishima while Kirishima is activating his Hardening and they both increase the strength of their Quirks."

The two boys sparr, Ojiro smacking Kirishima with his tail and Kirishima hardening his body. [Name] ponders if Kirishima could go a bit more harder with his Quirk and for Ojiro, the strength in his tail could be used to knock down a sumo wrestler or something even bigger than that. [Name] looks to where the electricity is coming from.

"Kaminari is using that electric current through a large capacity battery because he's training his body to handle a large amount of electricity," [Name] said, Aizawa nods his head. [Name] smiles at him. "I pay attention to the students, Aizawa."

"What about Koda?" Aizawa asked.

[Name] lets out a hum, being able to hear his soft yelling. "For him to increase his Anivoice, he's doing the vocal exercises to build up his vocal cords. He hardly talks in class to his classmates and only talks when he gets called on to answer a question so I think this exercise will also help him out of his shell of being shy."

There's a bright, blue light that flashes and [Name] looks towards Aoyama. The boy is shooting out lasers from his belly button and towards the sky. She chuckles, seeing the pose Aoyama is holding with his hands behind his head and his feet apart. There's a portable bathroom near Aoyama, too.

"Aoyama is training his body to get used to his Navel Laser so he can keep using it even if his stomach hurts and increase the range of his laser," [Name] explained, speaking with a smile. She looks to the direction of which Tokoyami went to. "As for Tokoyami, he's training to keep Dark Shadow under control if he goes wild in the dark."

[Name] can only hear Tokoyami screaming and she hopes that Tokoyami is okay. She knows that Dark Shadow doesn't like light especially seeing Bakugo and Tokoyami fighting at the Sports Festival. She ponders how strong Dark Shadow really is while in the dark since she's only seen Dark Shadow being used during the day.

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