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[Name] sits on the hospital bed and she turns her head to the sound of the curtain being pulled back. There's a doctor she doesn't recognize stand beside the hospital bed she's in. [Name] smiles softly at the doctor when he smiled at her and a nurse comes over, holding a chart in his hands and he hands it to the doctor.

"Ms. [Last Name]," the doctor started, [Name] clenches the blanket in her hands. "You've suffered from a broken marginal coverts in your right wing. Fractured ulna and radius in your forearms and a few broken ribs and fractured ribs too. You didn't suffer from any brain damage after all that too which is good."

"So what should I do?" [Name] questioned.

[Name] knew something was broken in her arms or rather fractured. She could flex her fingers as from her wrist and to her elbow is covered in a white cast. [Name] has bandage wrapping around her stomach and her right wing is in a wrappings. She can't move it and she doesn't want to move it. She hasn't really experienced a broken wing before so this is a first.

The doctor gives [Name] a reassuring. "I had to ask a vet's advice for wings and she said the the larger birds, they need 3 weeks. However, since your wings are larger than a normal large bird's, it's going to take a month or two to heal. As for your broken is going to take four to six weeks to heal with the cast. Your radius is severely fractured and that's going to take 6 to 8 weeks."

"So no hero work?" [Name] asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No hero work," the doctor stated.

[Name] nods her head. "What about Aizawa? Thirteen?"

"They're in stable conditions," the doctor informed.

[Name] lets out a sigh of relief. She leans back into the upright hospital bed now, leaning against it as she stares at the other side of the wall. She's glad to know that Aizawa and Thirteen are okay or rather stable conditions. She wouldn't like to see them in unstable condition. She wished she was strong enough to protect them. She didn't really do anything.

"Seeing that you're awake and in stable condition," the doctor began, walking over to the door. "We can send you home with pain medication to help with your pain and if you have any problems at all, I'm sure Recovery Girl can help you. Other than that, you have a visitor."

[Name] raised an eyebrow. Who could possibly visitor her? Her family doesn't live in this town. Her family lives in Fukuoka and they hardly visit her in Musutafu. So who could possibly visits her, but there's a chance it could be All Might? Midnight and Present Mic? Or did your family actually come visit you because the saw the news of U.A. being attacked by villains?

[Name]'s eyes widen, watching the doctor open the door and Hawks walks through the door. He has a charming smile on his face as he walks through and over to the hospital bed she's on. Hawks has a  bag in his hands as he walked over and [Name] wasn't expecting to see him at all. She looks at him oddly, an eyebrow raised as she looks at him.

"How you doin', Angel?" Hawks asked, tilting his head as he's giving her that charming smile.

[Name] scowled at him. "I thought I told you to not call me any pet names."

"Sorry," Hawks chuckled, placing the bag her lap. "Change into those clothes and I'll help you get home."

[Name] looks into the bag, seeing a black hoodie with the back of it having tow holes open and there's sweatpants in the bag too. [Name] looks up at Hawks, raising her eyebrow as she recognizes that those clothes are definitely not hers.

"Hawks, are these your clothes?" [Name] asked, taking out the black hoodie.

"Yeah!" Hawks answered cheerfully.

Blessed By An Angel [Hawks x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now