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Friday, April 19 2019

Kismet held the phone to her ear, pacing as the dial tone sounded. Anna sat close by her on the couch, watching her in amusement as she petted a sleeping Professor.

"You know he's not going to say 'no' to you," she told her.

Kismet whirled around dramatically, narrowing her eyes at her. "He could," she stressed. She was calling Wesley to ask if she and Anna could still join his family for Easter dinner.

When she'd brought up the invitation to Anna the night before, her best friend had immediately agreed. In hindsight, Kismet should've seen it coming. Anna could talk to a tree and make it talk back. It only made sense that she'd agree to have dinner with people she hadn't genuinely interacted with in over three years.

Kismet shushed Anna loudly as Wesley picked up.

"Hello?" he greeted, not having had time to read the caller ID.

She began pacing again, putting her phone on speaker as she did. "Hey," she began.

Wesley quickly recognized her voice. "Oh, Kiss. Sorry, I didn't see who was calling," he explained.

She nodded unintentionally, forgetting he couldn't see her. "It's okay. So...I talked to Anna, and we'd love to join you guys for Easter dinner if the offer still stands," she replied.

"Yeah," he exclaimed before clearing his throat. "Yeah, no that's great. I'll let Coop and Faye know," he said. He paused for a moment for her reply but when she didn't say anything he continued. "You busy today?"

Kismet turned to look at Anna questioningly. He was on speaker, so she expected Anna to have heard. Anna nodded, motioning for her to answer in the negative.

"No, actually," she replied conversationally.

"Wanna grab burgers in a bit?"

She playfully glared at the obscene gestures Anna was making at her from where she sat on the couch. "Sure. Where am I meeting you?"

"No. I'm picking you up. Be ready by 3," he announced.

She bit back a laugh as Anna mouthed 'daddy.'

"Fine, I'll see you at 3," she agreed reluctantly, ending the call. She turned to Anna with her hands on her hips. "What are you going to do today then, miss girl?"

Anna smiled sheepishly. "I wanted to run by the office," she said quietly.

Kismet's mouth dropped open. Just as she began to reply, Anna interrupted her. "I know, I know! It's just for a bit. I want to wrap up this case before the weekend," she explained.

She sighed, nodding in understanding. She knew this particular case's potential to significantly impact Anna's career going forward. She only worried about her health.

Anna got up to give her a quick hug. As she pulled away, she glanced at the time. "It's 2:20 ish, go get ready," she said, pushing her towards the stairs.

Kismet walked into her room, pulling off articles of clothing as she made her way to the bathroom. She turned on the shower to let the water warm while she brushed her hair with a wide-tooth comb.

After a slightly longer-than-planned shower and a quick blow dry, she changed into wedgie-fit Levi's and a red sweatshirt. The only accessory she wore was the gold Cartier ring her father had gifted her a few years ago.

She didn't want to take her phone or a purse with her, so she strapped her Apple watch around her wrist instead. While she fidgeted with the gadget, she could faintly hear the sound of the front door opening.

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