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The night had yet to age; the music loud and the people in their early stages of intoxication. An end-of-February party for upper-year university students was bound to go this way. With the abundance of alcohol and drugs, the party-goers weren't getting any younger.

He danced with his female companion; his close friend who'd invited him as a plus one. She had her back turned to him, dancing against him, care-free. They were being watched by several envious eyes, though neither were overly aware.

As the tempo of the song increased, she released a breathy laugh, turning to him with a wide smile; her uniquely coloured eyes twinkling.

He grinned in return. It was hard not to.

"I've got to go grab another drink to keep up with this song. I'll see you in a bit," she said to him, struggling to be heard over the loud music.

He couldn't decipher what she said, his grin only faltering as she pulled away and made her way through the crowd. His eyes followed her until she was lost in the masses of people.

Feeling her buzz come down, she walked towards the bar. Her friend spotted her, waving her over to where she was sitting along the counter.

Approaching Anna from behind, she wrapped her in a quick hug, letting go a second later and propping herself onto one of the barstools. Anna turned towards her, ruffling her hair before regarding her with sympathetic eyes.

"Have you gotten a chance to tell him?"

Kismet began to reply, pausing for a second, instead chewing on her lips.

Anna frowned, "Babe, this is unhealthy. It's been two weeks, you're drowning yourself in alcohol, and he doesn't even know anything's wrong."

She narrowed her eyes at her, "No. He just got back, he doesn't need this. They were close, I'm just giving him time and trying to forget in the meantime."

That was the end of their conversation.

He left the mosh pit with difficulty, having grabbed several drinks off his friends in the time passed, and walked towards the washrooms. He felt disoriented, disappointed, and a variety of other words he couldn't think of in his inebriated state.

He trudged towards the bathrooms, his stomach churning, head spinning and mind wanting her back near him. It had been two months since they had seen each other, he was busy with hockey and she had her final year of studies.

Down the hall, take a left, third door on the right.

He was stopped halfway, roughly shouldered by another guy. He turned to give him a nasty look, relaxing only slightly upon realizing it was the party's host.

The guy looked at him, a grimace on his face. "How are you holding up Wess? I saw your girl up against another guy upstairs."

Wesley felt his vision blur, anger surging through him.

He shoved him, "What the fuck did you just say, Alex?"

"Woah man," Alex replied lamely, "I can show you the picture if you want."

He struggled a hand free of Wesley's hold, pulling his phone out of his pocket to show him the evidence.

Wesley's face contorted in anger at the picture of the two individuals on the screen, her back to the camera, her hands in another guys hair.

Alex felt his lips twitch at his reaction, coolly adding, "Sorry man."

Wesley took the phone from his hands, forwarding the message to himself. Alex's eyes widened at the gesture, roughly taking the phone back.

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