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Tuesday, April 2 2019

Kismet drove to the guys' old apartment, going above the speed limit, though within legal bounds. It was around 4:30 PM when she left the building, having just completed her last session for the day.

Earlier that day, Mathew had come in for his final appointment. He had progressed to using a single crutch— for superficial support at this point. His right leg had completely recovered, while his left was nearly there.

It was moving day. She had committed to helping the guys move their personal items while the professional movers handled their furniture. Their apartment had come partially furnished thanks to Jackie, so the movers only had to handle the bedroom furniture and certain accessories.

She pressed her car keys to confirm she had locked her parked car as she walked through the lobby of the building.

A few minutes later she approached the apartment, hesitantly walking through the ajar door. It was propped open by what looked like an inner bed frame.

Kismet gained the attention of the two movers in the apartment, shifting the large TV out of the living room. She smiled politely in greeting when she noticed them, before walking through the stacked boxes towards the hallway where the bedrooms were.

She peered into Nate's room first, which was already empty. Then, Wesley's. There were several packed boxes around the room, as well as a suitcase and miscellaneous items.

Walking out of his room, she went to check Mathew's room— nearly empty, save for a single suitcase and a bookshelf.

Nate and Mathew's rooms had no inhabitants, and it seemed the two men weren't in the apartment. Walking back into Wesley's room, she noticed the light under the closed washroom door. At least he's here, she thought.

Taking a seat on a packed box by his closet, she waited patiently for him to come out.

A moment later, Wesley emerged from the washroom, a damp towel hung around his neck. He had just taken a shower.

Men, Kismet thought to herself with a scoff. How did he find time to take a shower the evening they were moving?

Wesley's eyebrows shot up at the site of Kismet sitting comfortably on one of his moving boxes. Then, a smile lit up his face. "Comfy?"

She smiled at the teasing question. "Very," she replied. Furrowing her eyebrows, she brought up her earlier observation. "Matt and Nate aren't here?"

Wesley nodded. "Yeah. They took the first load of their things to the apartment. I was waiting on you so I stayed behind," he explained.

"So we'll transfer your things to my car and head out with those two when they're doing their second trip," she proposed. It wasn't really up for debate.

The two of them worked alongside the movers, only their load of boxes went to Kismet's car instead of the moving van. As they fit the last few boxes in the backseat of her car, Nate and Matthew pulled into the lot.

"Hey," Nate called out, lightly jogging towards them. He greeted Wesley, then moved to Kismet to give her a hug.

Wesley's eyes narrowed at the contact between them, possessively. Matthew caught him as he did, looking at him knowingly as he approached them.

"You guys ready?" he asked after greeting Kismet. She nodded, "Yeah. We'll wait for you to grab the last of your things, so we can make the trip together."

"The movers are nearly done as well. We can follow behind them," Wesley added. "You need a hand?" he asked Nate who shook his head. "It's just one suitcase, I'll be back in a few minutes."

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