237 18 1

Tuesday, March 26 2019

Kismet was sitting in the physicians' lounge when her phone vibrated, alerting her of a text. She swiped right to view it, smiling slightly. What are we doing for Easter, Anna had texted in their "family" group chat.

Her mother and father had raised her within a blend of cultures, so Kismet's family often celebrated a variety of cultural and national holidays and events, from Shogatsu (New Years) to Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas and Eid.

Kismet began to type as Noah responded. That's in four weeks, he replied. Yeah, none of your business, Kismet added. Adam was the last to respond, Come to the office, I need a quick consultant. As always, his texts were completely unrelated to the topic of conversation.

Kismet lifted the phone to her ear expectantly as Anna called her a moment later. She quickly grabbed the long, warm, Burberry coat she wore in the morning, pulling it on as she made her way outside.

Anna greeted her, "Can you believe Easter is so soon?"

Kismet smiled, "It's in a month," she responded, shaking her head at her best friend's antics. She had decided to take a walk and grab a snack while she talked to Anna.

Since it was Toronto, there was a Starbucks on every other corner, which made her mission significantly easier.

Anna completely disregarded her comment. "We'll have to organize a dinner. You, dad, Noah and I," she paused for a moment.

Kismet would always smile when Anna refereed to her father as Dad. 

"What is Wesley's plan?"

She halted at the crosswalk, the flashing red hand signalling her to do so. She mulled over Anna's question. "I don't know," she sighed, "It's a month away, ginay. I haven't asked him."

Anna hummed in response. Having been around the Khybers for nearly two decades, she had naturally picked up on a bit of Pashto. It was why Kismet could comfortably switch between languages when talking to her. 

"Besides, he'll probably be with Matt and Nate," Kismet murmured, more so to herself in afterthought. 

"Well. I'm going to prepare a menu for you to make," Anna said offhandedly.

Kismet rolled her eyes, "Of course. Do I get a say in what I have to make?" she questioned teasingly. Anna just switched the topic, talking about the possibility of the long-awaited package arriving tomorrow afternoon.

"That is if the tracking app is accurate," she concludes with an eye roll invisible to Kismet.

They continued talking as Kismet walked into the cafe, joining the queue of people. She had decided on a refreshment for lunch, ordering a sandwich and a brightly coloured refresher.

Anna cut the call a few moments before Kismet re-entered the clinic, glancing at the time to see she had a bit before Matthew's session. 

By the time she had set up the room to accommodate the new arrangements required for Mathew's upcoming lessons, the subject of the matter hobbled through the door. Wesley and Nate walked in behind him, the latter fidgeting with the glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. 

Kismet raised her eyebrows at Mathew's wide grin, feeling a rush of warmth in her body at his evident happiness. He propelled himself forward with his crutches, coming to a proud stop in front of her. 

"What do you think, Doc?"

Kismet grinned, teasingly walking around him in survey. "It suits you." Mathew puffed out his chest, standing taller, and his younger brother scoffed in the background. 

"Don't encourage him. He's already returning to his cocky self now that he's got his full height back," Nate complained. However, it was easy to tell that he was happy for his brother.

Kismet took that time to address the two men, "Didn't we agree on only one of you at a time?" She turned to glance at Matthew, "You know I can only handle so much," she accused. 

Mathew grinned, shaking his head, "I know, I know. In my defence, it was supposed to be just Nate but Knight insis—" he stopped to glare at Wesley, who had given him a harder than necessary pat on the back. 

Only then did he register why, and he cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. "Right. Well, they both wanted to see me at my first appointment without the chair," he completed.  

Kismet looked at the trio incredulously. Seriously? This is the route you've chosen, she thought. Ignoring the completely unbelievable reasoning, she turned her back to them and approached the bench. 

"You two can take a seat," she called out behind her. 

Wesley watched on as she instructed Matthew through various exercises and stretches, leaning back in his seat. His eyes casually flickered to Nate, who sat comfortably on his right, narrowing slightly. 

It wasn't hard to miss the eyes he was making at her, the absorbed expression. He was enthralled by her, and Wesley only now saw it. He shook his head to himself, catching Nate's confused glance aimed at him. 

He just patted his back in sympathy, looking forward once more. 

Kismet placed her hands on her hips as Matthew completed the final stretch, looking at him expectantly. "Well. How are we feeling?"

"Great, Doc. That fuckin' cast was the reason I could barely move," he stated. 

Kismet's lips quirked up. "Based on the ease with which you performed each exercise and stretch, I can confidently say you'll be out of here in a week or two, tops."

Mathew sighed with relief. He balanced himself on his crutches, making eye contact with Wesley and motioning him over. Wesley rose to his feet, nudging Nate as well. 

The four individuals grouped together as they left the room, talking about things at random. They stopped a ways away from the entrance doors, continuing conversation. 

Kismet's shoulder brushed against Wesley's jacket-clad arm as she leaned towards him subconsciously. He welcomed her, his hands in his pockets but his head tilted to the side to rest atop hers. 

He watched with familiar sympathy as Nate eyed them, but remained in the same position. He would soon learn that he had to take what he could get. 

Kismet cleared her throat. She stepped away from Wesley, a temporary frown gracing her features at the feelings that coursed through her when she did. The expression evaporated a moment later as Nate began to talk.

"We have a meeting with Jackie, so let's get going," he said, addressing the two men. 

Kismet glanced at them in confusion, and Nate elaborated. "He's our lessor. He had something urgent to discuss regarding the apartment."

Wesley rolled his eyes, "Last time, his urgent matter was the microwave he had left in the apartment."

Kismet smiled slightly as Matthew let out a laugh, nodding his head in agreement. She exchanged quick goodbyes with Mathew and Nate before they headed out the door, leaving Wesley behind.

He interrupted her just as she began to step away, grasping her wrist. At her raised eyebrows, he let go, lifting a hand to the back of his neck. "Can I get your number?"

It was a simple question that left Kismet with an ache in her chest. She swallowed thickly but nodded, holding out her hand. He placed the unlocked phone in her awaiting palm, watching as she put in her number. 

He knew Nate had her number, but he just needed an excuse. 

Kismet handed the phone back to him, eying him curiously. There was a small smile on his face, his eyes light. She would have given him whatever he asked for. 

He waved the hand holding his phone as he walked backwards, "I'll see you Thursday?"

She bit down on her lip to stop the ridiculous smile from spreading, "Yeah, Wess. Thursday."

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