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Wednesday, March 27 2019

The walk from her car to the clinic was pleasant, and Kismet entered the building feeling at ease. She enjoyed the 7°C weather, a nice change from the negative temperatures that stayed consistent over the month of March.

Her first, and only, client for the day was a college athlete who had been undergoing physiotherapy with her since the last schedule change. Alexis Davis was severely injured during a soccer game and, following their surgery, was assigned to Kismet.

Kismet waited in the well-lit room, the noon sun streaming through the open windows. She pulled out her phone to glance at the time, 12:49 PM. Alexis was scheduled for 1 PM.

Just as she tucked her phone away, it vibrated, alerting her of a message. It was an unknown sender, but the content of the message was quick to verify the identity. Hey, x.

She smiled as she read the message. Wesley wrote her name as an x to represent Kiss, his nickname for her. She quickly added him as a contact before replying, stopping short as she saw him typing again.

Turns out Jackie's urgent matter was actually urgent. We're getting kicked out because he needs a place to stay while his house gets inspected. Something about termites?

Kismet read the text with shock, her eyebrows raising. She took a moment to reply, How're you guys dealing?

Wesley texted her a smile, (: and then called. She picked up the phone immediately, raising it to her ear. His deep voice sounded through, "Are you down to go house hunting today?"

She smiled, although he couldn't see her. "It's a date," she replied with mirth, listening to his chuckle fondly. She glanced at the door to see if she had company as she continued talking to him.

"I'll drop by your place when I'm done with my appointment," she added. The two talked for a few more minutes before Alexis made their way through the door, waving a hand at Kismet who exchanged a quick bye with Wesley.

"Hey you," they greeted her.

Kismet smiled, "How was your appointment, Alex?"

Alexis joined her on the bench, resting their crutches against the wall as they sat down. "It was honestly not bad. The doctor said she'd get back to you on my date of medical release, but Coach isn't going to let me go that easy."

Kismet nodded, "Yeah, I got the update. But I agree with your coach, I'm not letting you get back on the field without making sure you're ready."

Alexis sighed, "I know. It wouldn't have happened if the school let me stay on my team," they complained.

Kismet pouted with them, supporting their complaint. Then, she rose to her feet, extending a hand to them, "Let's get started."

Alexis was a transgender athlete, having been forced onto the men's soccer team following their transition. They weren't accommodated by the school, and during their third game had been aggressively injured by members of the opposing team.

Kismet was required to complete a Continuing Education course for the situation, as the clinic required her to, to better understand and accommodate Alexis and their circumstances.

Their session went by relatively fast, and soon Kismet was walking to her car. She pulled off the winter jacket, leaving her in a thin, long-sleeved top. Quickly, she tossed it into the passenger seat before rounding the car and climbing in.

With the heat on high, the car was comfortably warm. She arrived at the guys' place fairly quickly and parked her car in the visitor's lot, making her way out and into the building.

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