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Thursday, April 11 2019

Kismet's feet were tired, and it was only 4 PM. She had come to work at 8 in the morning, having subbed in for Oliver as a last-minute thing.

Mathew was discharged from her service on the fourth, a Thursday before today. She was now anticipating a change in schedule the following week, based on Oliver-verified information.

She walked through the corridor tiredly, making her way into the physicians' lounge. Grabbing her belongings, she left the building for the day.

It was bright outside, the weather getting more bearable since it was nearly mid-April.

Taking off her coat, she dropped it into the passenger seat before sliding in, starting the car. The drive was refreshing for her, and she let her window down slightly to let the fresh air breeze in.

She called Anna as she neared her apartment building, listening to the dial tone as she waited for her to pick up. A moment later, Anna's muffled voice sounded through the car.

"Hey, babe. You off work?"

"Yeah, I'm nearly home. I have to get ready for the party, which is why you're here." She smiled as she heard Anna clap her hands excitedly.

"Wish Matt a happy birthday from me," she replied, to which Kismet hummed in compliance. Anna paused for a moment before asking, "Do you know what you're wearing?"

Kismet shook her head, wincing. "Not exactly—" she was cut off by Anna's obnoxious groan. "There are a couple of outfits I'm deciding between. I'll show you," she amended quickly, pulling into the parking lot a minute later.

She continued talking to Anna, now on her phone, as she made her way through the building to her apartment. She fumbled with her keys before successfully unlocking the door and pushing it open.

She dropped her coat on the bench, then stumbled a little as she pulled off her boots in a hurry.

Professor trotted towards her, meowing in greeting and weaving between her clumsy feet.

Kismet winced at the volume of Anna's exaggerated cooing noises upon hearing the little cat, holding the phone away from herself as she moved.

"So, it's at a club," she said as she began up the stairs. Anna shuffled in the background, her voice further away when she answered. "Which club?"

Kismet shrugged, "I don't remember. The address is in my phone though," she replied. As she walked into her room, she switched the call to FaceTime, waiting for Anna to accept.

"Right, okay. A club. So what are your options," Anna asked as she picked up once again. "Hold on," Kismet replied, setting up her phone on the bed.

She walked away from it to grab the outfits she was deciding between, still hanging in the closet. "I have a dress, a jumpsuit, and a top and bottom," she called out as she rummaged through the clothes.

Anna shook her head when Kismet reappeared in front of the camera, more articles in her arms than what she had initially described. She tossed them onto the bed, placing her hands on her hips when she saw Anna's expression.

"What?" she demanded. Anna stifled a laugh, raising her hands in innocence.

Kismet smiled slightly, rolling her eyes. She sifted through the pile before holding up a dress to show Anna. It was a deep red colour; short as sin and satin.

"That's hot," Anna commented as Kismet held it against her body. She nodded, agreeing with her friend before shaking her head. "It's too short. It's still cold out," she reasoned.

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