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They arrived at the guys' apartment building separately, Kismet having driven herself. She reached several minutes after them, having stopped at a yellow light that Wesley had sped past in time.

She parked her car in the visitor's lot, meeting them in the lobby where they stood by the elevators. The short ride up was filled with aimless chatter, and Kismet stepped off the elevator engaged in an argument about why it is inappropriate to name a dog Kyle.

Mathew threw his hands up when Wesley agreed with Kismet. "You're perfect for each other," he said, annoyed. "I'm sure Nate will agree with me," he added.

Kismet only rolled her eyes, sharing a glance with Wesley who shook his head, a slight smirk tugging at his lips.

He moved past them to unlock the door, nudging it open. "Nate! Wear clothes, we have company," Wesley called into the house.

Kismet stifled her laugh as she followed behind Matthew, walking into the apartment. She leaned a hand against the wall for support, pulling her boots off with her free hand and setting them next to Wesley's.

She took a moment to glance around the apartment from where she was standing, having only briefly seen it the last time she had been there.

The floor was a light coloured, textured wood, with cream and light grey walls to complement it. The majority of the furniture was coloured in darker tones, contrasting the otherwise light colour scheme.

It was an open concept unit, without a structural division of the kitchen and living room. Instead, a large couch was used to mark the separation of the two areas.

Kismet walked towards the kitchen where Wesley stood, leaning against a counter facing Mathew. She copied his stance, leaning next to him, their shoulders a foot width apart.

"I like the way it's set up," she said, referring to the apartment.

Wesley lightly laughed, "You can thank Matt's interior decorator for that."

Kismet rolled her eyes, "Of course."

Nate stumbled out of the hallway, rubbing a hand over his eyes. His eyes cleared, widening a moment later as he saw the company of three in the kitchen. He greeted them hesitantly, confused.

Kismet's head turned at the sound of Nate's voice, smiling slightly as she saw his bedhead. It's only six pm, she thought amusedly.

Nate, as if sensing her thoughts, reached an embarrassed hand up to smooth his hair. Wesley chuckled, "Hey man. She's the company."

Mathew coughed, clearing his throat obnoxiously. "Is it okay to name a dog Kyle?" he demanded.

Kismet and Wesley groaned in unison.  She shuffled closer to Wesley, "Here we go again," she said playfully. Wesley smiled down at her, but she wasn't looking at him.

Nate shook his head, "Absolutely not," he replied.

Kismet bit back a laugh at the brothers' exchange and Mathew's expression, hiding her face in Wesley's arm instinctively. She pulled away immediately after, her face flushing.

Nate walked past them, opening the fridge. "Any of you want a drink?"

Mathew grumbled like a sullen child but nodded nonetheless. Wesley glanced at Kismet, "What would you like?"

Kismet thought for a moment, "Orange juice?" she asked. Wesley nodded his head to Nate, who passed him a bottle from the open fridge.

Wesley turned to pour the juice into a glass for her, holding it out for her to take. As he did, Nate bumped into his back, sending the contents of the glass onto Kismet's top.

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