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Kismet walked up to the guys' apartment door, ringing the doorbell once. Wesley stood sleepily behind her, his back bent so he could rest his head on her shoulder. She could feel his breath caressing the side of her face and neck, a warm blush travelling from her chest upwards.

Wesley grumbled something unintelligible into her shoulder, pressing his face into the smooth plane of her shoulder, his cold nose rubbing against the warm skin. She pressed her legs together in response, feeling butterflies erupt in her stomach.

You're not a virgin, stop acting like one, she scolded herself.

"Don't you have a key?" she asked him, disguising her nerves with amusement, having picked up on a few pieces of the sentence and putting two and two together.

Just as Wesley lifted his head to reply, the door swung open, revealing a slightly dishevelled Nate. His eyebrows rose slightly at the sight of Kismet and a sleep-drugged Wesley.

"Hey," he greeted with a grin, ushering them in. Kismet held Wesley's bag as she trudged forward into their apartment, Wesley dragging himself behind her.

"What's wrong with him," Nate mouthed at her with a poorly concealed laugh, finding great humour in the situation.

Kismet shrugged with a smile, watching as Nate retreated down the hallway with a shake of his head.

As one brother left, the other appeared upon hearing the commotion, greeting them loudly. "Hey Doc, I didn't know you were going to take so long to return with my little hooker," Matthew said with an impish grin, nudging his head towards Wesley.

Kismet let out a light laugh, shaking her head. "We got caught in traffic," she replied soberly.

Wesley ignored the group of them, only dropping into the rotating armchair with a groan and dragging Kismet towards him by the back of her jacket. She landed unceremoniously, right into his lap, much to Matthew's amusement.

Good, Wesley thought to himself. He wrapped an arm around her waist, his large hand spanning over her abdomen to hold her against him, before relaxing and letting himself fall into a light sleep.

Matthew and Kismet rolled their eyes in unison at his behaviour, but Kismet had to once more distract herself from the sensation of being so closely pressed up against Wesley.

Matthew dropped into the couch across from them, looking at Kismet. "He was dealing with some things yesterday and didn't get much time to sleep or eat," he informed her.

She nodded in acknowledgement, "So that's why he's this out of it."

She relaxed against Wesley and leaned into his chest, simultaneously beginning to talk to Matthew to distract herself from the feeling of his hard body against hers.

Wesley returned to their earlier embrace, positioning his head in the crook of her neck, resting on her shoulder. She would shift every now and then when he would move his head slightly and cause his lips to brush against her shoulder or neck.

Be still, my heart.

As Matthew was discussing their team with her, two voices interrupted their conversation, growing closer. Matthew glanced towards the hall and back at Kismet, "Oh, yeah. Nate's got company," he said gloomily, recalling the obnoxious woman his brother had brought home.

Kismet's eyebrows raised, "Fun," she replied in good humour. Just as she did, Nate walked into the living room with a petite girl in tow. She looked to be about Kismet's age, with pretty blonde hair and tan skin.

Nate led the two of them into the sitting area to make quick introductions.

"Penny, this is Kismet. Kismet, Penny," he introduced briefly. "Oh, and the guy knocked out under Kismet is Wesley," he added.

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