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It was half-past five when Kismet heard her father leave the house, shouting a goodbye that she didn't get the chance to return as he locked the door.

She glanced at Professor who lay sprawled out on the sofa, asleep.

Anna and her father were due home around 8 PM this evening. That gave her three hours with nothing particular to do.

She decided she'd go downtown and spend a couple of hours shopping.

She grabbed a random set of car keys, walking towards the door that led to the garage. She opened the door a crack, pressing on the remote key to identify which car she'd be driving.

Confirming the make of the car, she grabbed her jacket and tugged on her boots, heading through the door once more.

The black sedan smelled like her father's cologne, as his cars usually did.

She adjusted the mirrors and enabled the device that opened the garage door before reversing out.

The Jeep was parked to a side on the driveway. Adam often avoided driving it to work because, according to him, it was an unprofessional vehicle.

Kismet arrived downtown within 20 minutes, pulling into a paid public parking lot.

According to the ticket she received at the gate, she had two and a half hours before she had to return. That gave her plenty of time to walk around the central.

Her hands were shoved in the pockets of her jacket, her gaze wandering as she began her walk down the busy and familiar streets.

Only then did she recognize the possibility of running into someone she knew. Particularly, him. She silently groaned in frustration at her inability to forget him.

His reminder was around every corner she turned.

Whether it was the hidden clubs underneath family burger joints or the park where they often found themselves when they took a walk. Or, then, the library where they first met, or the diner where they last saw each other.

Her pace slowed, along with her heartbeat, as she ventured into Aritzia. It was one of her favourite places to shop as both a teenager and, now, an adult.

She walked around the large, modern-styled space, her eyes skimming over the racks of clothing.

She bent down to pick up a thin, cream-coloured crop top in her size. A voice abruptly interrupted her as she straightened, the closeness frightening her.

Kismet turned around to face a petite Asian girl, wearing a walkie talkie clipped to her waist. A sales associate, she recognized. Here we go.

"How are you doing today?" she questioned innocently and brightly.

Kismet gave her a quick smile. With the frequency she shopped there, she was accustomed to the nature of sales associates.

"I'm okay, thank you," she replied politely.

The associate nodded, her smile widening. "I love that top," she exclaimed, "With your height, I have just the pair of bottoms to complete the outfit!"

Kismet raised her brows in mock excitement, "Great."

She walked away on a mission, and Kismet resumed shopping.

After completing her round of the store, she had the top she initially picked, with the addition of four more. She stood in line at cash, pulling out her phone to check the time. 7:02 PM.

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