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The next few days passed by in a blur. The majority of it spent indoors given the sudden snowstorm-like weather.

Monday, February 18 2019.

Kismet was due to fly home the following afternoon. Her return flight was scheduled for 4 PM.

She woke up with a well-anticipated headache given her sore throat the night before. It was a trait of hers; being symptomatic days before the full-fledged flu.

She started off with a stuffy nose, followed by a sore throat, and then a headache. She was sure a fever would follow later in the day.

She sat up with a groan, shuffling off the bed and towards the conjoined bathroom. Not particularly bothering to wash up, she headed straight downstairs for the kitchen.

The faint smell of waffles and sweet syrup signalled that the house was alive; people had already woken up.

Kismet was welcomed into the kitchen by the sight of her father leaning against the counter, across from Noah. Both men were donned in suits, a cup of something in their hands as they talked.

Their attention focussed on her as she walked in, and she raised a tired hand in greeting.

"You look for the worse," Noah commented.

Kismet rolled her eyes. "Thanks," she replied, dryly.

Her father chuckled, "Good morning, ghosanakay. Tylenol is in the cabinet to your left."

Like a child, she grumbled but muttered a low 'thank you' as she grabbed the medicine. She filled a glass with water, swallowing the pill.

While Adam and Noah resumed their conversation, Kismet readied a quick breakfast for herself. Halfway through she decided to make doubles, making enough for both herself and Anna.

By the time she finished, she could feel her head getting better. The Tylenol was quick to help, she observed.

A sleepy 'good morning' caught her attention, and she turned in time to see Anna enter the kitchen.

Anna was wearing the shirt Kismet had lent her a few days prior and supporting a messy bed-head. The sweatpants she was wearing looked like a last-minute decision given that they were on backwards and hanging quite low on her hips.

Adam smiled at her, "Good morning, Ann," he greeted pleasantly.

Anna smiled sweetly in return, briefly glancing at Noah who had yet to acknowledge her presence.

He only coughed lightly, bringing his mug to his mouth, averting his eyes in the process.

Kismet observed the interaction smugly before smiling widely at the sight of her best friend, "I made breakfast," she said, beckoning her over.

Anna gave her a hug from behind, mumbling, "I love you."

Kismet smacked a kiss into the air in response, gathering the last of the toast onto the second plate.

She turned around, breaking free of Anna's hug as she walked to the island, placing their breakfast on it.

They pulled out a stool each for themselves, sitting down to eat.

Kismet interrupted her father and Noah's conversation.

"When are you two heading out?"

Noah answered for her, "In," he glanced at his watch, "Roughly thirty minutes."

She nodded, "Okay."

Her father added, "Your flight's at 4, kana? Make sure you get to the airport on time. I won't be able to see you off, but you do have Anna because it's a Monday."

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