"B-because...I...forgave him" I say while still laughing.

"Oh. That makes sense. Hey we're here! Lets go!"

She drags me out of the train while I'm still laughing slowly calming down.

By the time we reach the clients house I finally calmed down. 

"Geez was his dance really that funny?"

"Yes." I start chuckling a bit trying hard not to burst into laughter.

Lisanna knocks on the door and we wait until the client opens the door. The client was a short old man.

"Hello ladies are you here for the job."

"Yes we're from Fairy Tail. We would like to know more details if possible." Lisanna said.

"Yes. Of course. Come in." The old man said while gesturing for us to go inside.

"Sit." he said when we got to the living room. We did.

"Ok I have a book that is very important. If its in the wrong hands and they read it horrible things can happen. I don't remember the title, but the cover was blue with swords and a shield. And the back was a magic circle with a wizard in the middle." he said

"Ok. Do you know what the person who took it looks like?" Lisanna asked

"Yes, he had a black cloak. I couldn't see his face very well since he had covered it with a hood. But I saw black hair and green eyes."

"Do you know where he went or where he would go?" I asked

"He went into the forest, but I'm afraid that all I know."

"Its fine. We'll be going now. Thank you for the information."

"Bye. Good luck!"

We start to go into the forest since its still day time. We search almost everywhere in the forest and couldn't find a trace or anything that might lead to the bandit. We start walking until we heard a twig snap. We turn around to look who out was.

"Aw man. I just ruined my plan. Oh well I can still beat you ladies either way." A man said while coming out of the bushes. In his hand was the book. It looked exactly how the old man described it.

"Don't underestimate us just because we are girls!" Me and Lisanna said before charging at him.

Lisanna turned into her cat transformation. While she distracted him I would summon Loke. Then get the book.
Open. Gate of the Lion!

"Hey Lucy. Anything you want me to do?" Loke said

"Yes fight him while I get the book." I said quietly to him.

"Got it. Ready?"


When the bandit punched Lisanna and sent her flying we charged at him. We acted like we were going to punch his face but right before we hit his face we got his stomach. While he bent over to get some air I grabbed the book. I have the book in my hand and was about to jump away until the bandit grabbed my wrist and punched my face sending me flying. I fall to the ground with a loud thud.

"Lucy!" Loke and Lisanna said.

"I'm alright." I say as I start getting up.

"You know whats a disadvantage to Celestial wizards?" After a long pause he starts talking again. "They are weak without there wizards." Then he comes directly at me. Dodging all of Loke's attacks.

"Come and try me!" I say.

"I am. Your just asking for a death wish, lady." He says before trying to punch my face. Right before he does I dodge it and punch his stomach. Sending him a little bit in air. While he was in air I did my Lucy kick and sent him flying. Once he landed close to Loke, Loke finished him off.

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