Lord of the Night (Fae Boyfriend)

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Welcome to the Realm of the Night! Where dreams are light and joy is merry. The Lord of the Night awaits for your arrival; where all curious wander, but be wary not to stray too far...

Male monster x human! female reader

Once in a Dream

In your dreams, you were in the same place that held no beginning nor an end: beyond the dusky atmosphere and clouded thoughts, surrounded by light and the beauty of a lit forest, the trees encasing the night's sky.

Your dreams entailed the same journey: across the lit bridge with fairy lights soft and glowing guiding you, your dress of soft pink roses and forget-me-nots sewed into your light flowing dress, your bare feet seemed to not feel pain as you walked across the wooden bridge; onlooking the small river that trailed away.

There was no concern nor fright you felt whilst in this strange place, the unfamiliarity of it all seemed to frighten a many, but you had never been once when you entered. The trees and lights led you along the narrow path to the place you longed for; desired. The guide of gentle upbeat music brought your senses to bring you closer, joyful and jovial, you collected your dress as you picked the pace, allowing the music to take you to the place of glee.

It floated lightly in the air with the upbeat sound of drums and laughter leaping in the air with such delight: the sound of many voices and dancing caught your ears when you grew close beyond the end of the path, observing the small area that encircled a vacant expanse, full of wildflowers and fairy lights that set alight up the sky fuller and brighter.

The people that danced and funnelled through the front of the entrance were dressed in dresses and suits of feathers and seasonal colours, of the high bright colours of spring to the deep and luscious hues of autumn with its changes. 

They were of different colours of skin tone with different types of nature stuck in their hair; with their glittery high cheekbones and otherworldly beauty you couldn't quite place. None looked similar and all were graceful as they were delighted of the event.

You followed along the line as you came to the entrance, hanging over the large gazebo where the music was both bold and hushed. You watched with bright naïve eyes as those danced and laughed and drank merrily in tulip glasses; the smell of fruits and incense high in the air.

"For you, lovely one." You were at the front of the line by now, an unexpectant hand stopping you from passing; a tall gentleman with skin of copper and glittery jade eyes smiled down at you – the only two things that you could see of him, the gold flowered mask covered half his face. In his hand, he held out a mask for yourself, as silver as pence and bright as the moon.

You blinked owlishly but took it from him, thanking him as you moved past and entered beneath the lit -up gazebo, eyes bright with awe. The masquerade mask you put over your face was soft as silk and smelt of elderberries, the lacework was intricate with beaded gems and swirls.

In the fancies in your wonderland, you would dance around the others, neither paying attention to you and some with their keen eyes trained, watching mysteriously and brightly with sharp white teeth, they murmured to one another, men and women spotting you effortlessly within the crowds, as you walked to the other side of the gazebo.

You watched from the other side shyly at those dancing so fluidly, like water through a river – they waded across the floor with ease with their partners holding them gracefully, spinning and spinning, you grew entranced.

"Sweet lady, for you." You blinked, finding a serving lady by your side, eager-eyed and smiling wide to you, her large eyes were filled with something you couldn't decipher. Even with the cream mask over her face, you couldn't help but feel... unnerved by her appearance, not knowing why.

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