Orc Boyfriend (MODERN AU)

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"Can I help you?"

That voice, that voice that lulled you in. Deep, like honey pouring from a jar; enticing.

You looked up from your spot in the back corner of the flower shop – a favourite of yours that you usually came to when you were feeling down, and Wildflower Paradise was somewhere you came to get fresh flowers almost every week. You looked over the small shop, the homely feel you got when you were here always made you feel calm and content; happy even.

It was something about bringing home new flowers that brought your mood upon the lowest of days.

The only worker there was someone you had seen on and off from time to time: a large 6'7 orc who was just so beautiful to look at.

With his long onyx hair kept long due to family traditions and braided back with beads, big green-blue eyes that made you melt if you ever caught his gaze, he was everything any girl would want to have in a boyfriend – caring, protective and handsome.

You blinked back, embarrassed, knowing you had been caught staring for too long. He looked really good in his work uniform: the shirt he had buttoned up was tight around his biceps, bulging out but still so lovely against his deep green skin.

He was wearing his apron around him, some dirt found here and there, but overall, you didn't pay much attention to it against his beauty.

"Yeah, I was looking for some type of arrangement of a bouquet to have in my living room, but I don't know what type to get." You finally managed to stutter out, smiling as friendly as possible.

The guy must think I'm weird already for coming in. Gosh, why must I be so awkward around good looking and sweet guys? You could feel yourself getting more nervous, scared that the next thing you would say would embarrass you or him. His eyes lit up as if becoming animated at the sound of picking the perfect set, and the sight was truly something for sore eyes.

"So, you're the pretty girl who comes in buying a different type every week?" He grinned down at you, his eyes twinkling.

You gulped, a heavy colour blush settling on your cheeks as you tried averting your eyes. "That'll be me– heh, I just love flowers I guess- they really brighten my mood."

"Same here, no problem with that. They really are beautiful. Something that brightens even the darkest of days." He hummed in thought, and you smiled up at him; this guy was so cute! So passionate about his work too!

"Glad to know I'm not the only one." You murmured, looking back towards the sets as you frowned in consideration. "I needed someone's help with picking a nice set."

"Well, you picked the right person for the job. People would say I have the best eye for pretty things." He winked down at you, coming closer as he looked over the others with you. "What type were you thinking of?"

"Something with lots of meaning, I've got at the moment some Anemone but I was wanting something new, something bright and lovely to look at."

The orc beside you hummed in thought, thinking. "I think what would look nice this time of year would be— where is it, ah yes, these," He pointed you towards a certain set, placed close to the large display by the doors.

You tilted your head. "Never had Amaryllis before, why those?"

He shrugged, that same smile that was so kind and lovely to look at brought your heart to flutter.

"Just... I guess they both pretty and hold lots of meaning. Splendid beauty and I have a certain appreciation for things that catch my eye." The way he looked to you when he said that, it was not helping with your shyness or how you were feeling to be in front of him.

Did he know I was being shy in front of him? Is he flirting with me, or is he just playing with me and trying to get a reaction out of me? You smiled once more, knowing what you wanted. "I'll take a large bouquet of those then, please."

He smiled gratefully. "The lady has a keen eye. Excellent choice." He led you to the register, being the gentleman to carry it as he went to wrap it nicely for you. You, on the other hand, cash in hand, was too timid once more to meet his gaze.

Once ready, he spoke in his deep and charming rough voice. "That'll be 10.95."

You blinked owlishly at him, then looking to see a price point. "They say they're 15." You had the right cash and all, knowing the correct prices for all the sets, regardless of the size.

The orc dismissed it, "You're a regular. We gratefully appreciate you for it. Thought you could get some kind of discount."

You teased to him. "Would your boss be happy with you giving discounts to customers."

He chuckled, rolling his large herculean muscles back as he winked down at you with his beautiful eyes. "She's not here at the moment, and I can't deny a pretty face like you."

You wanted to remark that he must've been lying, but your words had turned to putty in your mouth. "Thank you for this... erm." Your fingers played with the notes in your hand, anxious.

"Mykel. It's Mykel, but my parents thought it would be funnier to call their child by the full name of Mykelenos." He laughed timidly, running a hand through the back of his long braided black hair.

"And you, what's your name, lovely?"

You told him your name, and he smiled as he said it along his lips, "Well, I'm glad to finally know your name." Mykel smiled, handing you your change as you took your gift.

"Have a good day, Mykel." You smiled back on him, your heart pounding when he gave you a gentle wave, smiling broadly back on you.

"And you."


You hurried back into your car, resting to catch your breath, as you paused at the interaction. Clammy hands, nerves that made you feel giddy. You had felt these all before.

You were sure Mykel was lovely, but it had been a while that someone had really put effort into liking you.

You sighed, putting your seatbelt on as you got your bouquet in it water bucket safe and secure, finding something small that caught your eye, nestled in between the petals.

Picking out the small note that was written in surprisingly neat handwriting with an unfamiliar phone number at the bottom, you could feel the ghost of an appreciative smile grace you features:

"Because I know if I look at you I won't be able to stop."-Mykel x

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