Shapeshifter Spirit Boyfriend: Daithi

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Genderless reader x Male monster

Warning: mentions of bullying, blood and death.

Can't Pretend

You had been six when you had first witnessed something called magic, or anything from an otherworldly order.

Your village that you had been born and raised from was very aware of the myths and legends that fell amongst the land; where the ties between mortals and spirits crossed.

You had been a simple child, one easily picked on for you innocent looks, someone who could be pushed around and not tell a soul.

The other children were cruel and heartless, yet your poor beloved mother had thought otherwise and tried getting you to mix with them and befriend them.

You had been beaten and shoved into the river closeby where the younglings went to play, far away from any adult's supervision. It was where you had first seen anything or anyone who was associated with sorcery.

Those around you whispered and danced along your skin when you felt the ridicule and laughter surround you, like demons tormenting your very soul. They had been so fascinated in bullying another one their age to not know of their own surroundings.

You had seen the bird first, a crow to be exact, land on a broken log close by to you, its obsidian wings fluttering once, then twice as they stilled, tucking away as its beady black eyes stared and watched the scene unfold.

One of the boys was first of the tormentors to spot the bird, mocking it first as it cawed quietly, stretching its wings as if to fly away, but remaining on the spot.

Their little minds had grown to drive the winged creature off and out the area, but you had been mildly surprised by how this small bird could have the bravery to stand its ground when small pebbles and sticks and abuse was thrown its way.

"Stupid bird, get out of here!" The same boy shouted in absolute badinage.

"Are you really sure about that?" Came a disembodied sing-song voice that carried itself around you all.

Everyone halted on their spots, rigid in fear of the voice that had caught them, the panic that had washed their skin clean with life and made them look like walking ghosts.

They scattered and ran from the clearing, leaving you there to defend for yourself as they ran back to the village. They didn't care for you, but their parents would be annoyed by them not watching over you.

Your breathing came out ragged, as if you had just finished running a 5-mile run uphill, and there before you, as you turned to face the crow, to stare into its beady eyes, did you see something else.

When did crows have grey eyes?

The small winged creature, fluttered its wings to land just a couple of inches to you, staring up at you. "You're not hurt?"

You blinked perplexed at the words, and the way an animal with a beak was able to annunciate words with not being able to properly pronounce certain words without having a human mouth.

"Y-Yes," you breathed quietly, watching it vigilantly, not sure as to whether to call this intelligent animal an animal for it was able to speak your language.

The crow - who you could only assume was male from its voice - titled its head to look up at you, its small claws tapping restlessly against the pebbled stones of the bank. "Good, you best be leaving, before they find you again, and it doesn't get too late."

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