The Runt of The Litter (Gaius)

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He had been smaller compared to the rest of his clan, though it hadn't been a concern to you when he bashfully told you his intentions; the crush he had that he believed would remain unrequited.

He was small and waifish, never getting the attention of those like the females of his nation, the soldiers who were trained to fight since birth, and males were trained to protect and serve. Gaius was the unlucky one: forgotten and untreated for love, rather a simple reminder of the nation's failure for greatness.

But not to you.

His paws may have been smaller but they were the perfect size for you when you held them the first time, knowing that his appearance was not as scary as the other gnolls. They were big still for you, but soft and padded, the gentleness that he held for you as if you were a delicate flower, you were drawn to him immediately.

"You know, ignoring Drish would be the best way to get them to stop talking about us." You suggested in the quietness of your tent, the one you had made up and settled when you and you own camp came through, the peace to unite the nation and other bandits that resided around the forests was needed, and so were the extra arms to fight. "I don't think I've ever seen a group of people who are more intent on my love life more than I."

"Drish is fierce with more than just a spear," Gaius added finally, having been staring off idly into space. "her tongue is as strong as her strength. Tenfold to any male, I fear for what she might do or say."

"To me?" You asked, and his large head bowed low, his cognac eyes holding the concern. "I will not be able to protect you if something were to happen to you. I could be exiled, worse, killed."

"We will leave the little queen to her own plights, we have our own worries," you stroked beyond his arched back, watching how he reacted, "like how we will announce it to them our union."

He looked to you unsteadily, nervous. "We can wait another day." His voice was wavering, albeit soft. "This may end their squabbles for your hand as well."

You remembered the first day you had entered the camp, how most of the single males were attached to your hip like bees to honey. How they vied for your love and attention through gifts and fighting one another. In the end, brute strength and gift-bearing was the last contender, when Gaius came along and spoke so delicately and sweetly to you, gaining your attention instead.

It angered the other males greatly, but you knew to protect yourself, you have to protect him too. A mate protects their own. No matter what.

"Drish can be angry all she wants, but when it is announced, she can not do anything further. No-one can hurt a gnoll's mate."

"Not if they're the runt of the litter like I." Gaius lamented, bowing his head further. You stroked at it thoughtfully. "You are part of their clan, Gaius, no matter what. Big or small, a soldier or protector, you are one of them."

He thought for a moment, relishing and basking in the tranquillity of being with you, not having to hear from those outside. "I will do what I can. To protect you, the love of my life. Through blood and torment, I shall protect your honour."

"Keep your honour but you may have my love." You kissed at his snout sweetly, watching his already tense body unwind as he relaxed further into you.

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