Surprised, Surprise!

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The relaxing music had faded and came the quiet evening. The chatting was still heard but it came from the workers.

Someone called my name and the voice said a gratitude as a silver tray was placed in the sink.

It wasn't the same dishwashing liquid brand that I had been using since the beginning of the week. It cleaned well but I didn't really like how it made my hands drier. I wasn't certain if it was proper to protest when I could see the other two full bottles of the liquid were lined up by the sink.

I had started washing the last batch of the dirty dishes and couldn't wait to end my duty and see what made my phone buzz in my pocket-- Mrs. Park allowed us to carry our phone with responsibility while we were working.


I turned my back for the voice calling my name and found Chanyeol this time with a water bottle in his hand.

"Do you need something?" I asked.

Then, he took his strides and told me that he was going to wash his water bottle. I tried to give my hand. Instead, he insisted that he could do it by himself.

I gave him a space. “So what’s got you in using a reusable water bottle all of a sudden? I thought you promoted a mineral water brand.”

He chuckled. "Zero waste. Don't pretend that you never taught me."

I was smiling and was openly staring the entire time he was washing his water bottle.

I could admit that we were getting less awkward each day.

Then, he said, "Tomorrow is Valentine's day."

"Yeah," I met a dimpled smile. "But I will call it a market day. I promised Sehun to promote his snacks."

"Of all the things and that's what you planned?"

"Am I supposed to plan anything else?"

"Yeah, sure! We'd get no lessons tomorrow." His eyes seemed to be brighter when he added, "Fulfilling your promise to Sehun isn't so bad. We can have the snacks on the rooftop if you want."

"We?" I confirmed hesitantly. "You want us to hide foods?"

He took so long just to wash a bottle. Or he was trying to find an answer. I was waiting anyway.

"Um... yeah." This time, he refused to make eye contact. "You know... the good old days."

Is this a real invitation?

I was having a moment and he could be expecting an answer.

"Or... you have another plan with that secret admirer?" But I heard that before I gave him a response. "He must be preparing something more special than what you've been receiving."

"Stop saying I got a secret admirer, please."

"You don't have to be shy, you know?" He rinsed his water bottle for the last time. He didn't say anything else and left, forgetting an invitation that I hadn't answered.

What has just happened?

Later when I stepped out from the kitchen, ready to leave, I expected him to remember our unfinished conversation, but he told me to have a safe trip home instead.

I muttered a thank you and bowed to his mother. She smiled and I smiled with her.

Walking to the bus stop, I fished out my phone and found messages from Jongdae and Soojung. In the messages that I read, I found their wishes for me and Chanyeol to figure things out-- he must be discussing with his friends before meeting me in the kitchen.

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